√ |HakuShuu| MISS, GIMME Cocoa! (Dating Time)

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HakuShuu! Finally a fanfic about HAKUSHUU!! ARGGGHHHH!!!! FOR THE SAKE OF THE HELL, THANKS tranhan1712!!!! I'm still waiting for ur book in english translate!

"Are you okay?"

"Uh, wha-what...?"

"Forget it, are you still holding a grudge?"

"E-eh? Why?"

"Jeez, do you even know what I'm talking about?"

"Aah.., its feel so right..." Shuu moaned after he slammed his body onto the bed. He chuckled and hugged the pillow with deep reddish face. Hakuryuu only watched him and sweatdropped.

"He is gone crazy..." Hakuryuu muttered. He took some backwards steps and closed the door. Hakuryuu waited for two minutes before noticed that Shuu is already snored and drifted into dreamy world.

"See! There are so many goats over here!"

Maybe, he is too drifted into dreamy world anyway.

Hakuryuu leaned agaisnt the door and sighed heavily. "How stupid I am. Why did I gave him that? I didnt remembered about how sensitive he was with that goddamned thing."


Hakuryuu patted his head. He regretted eveything that had happened two hours ago.


Shuu's Ver:

Yup, I'm here.

I still here.

Stood alone in here.


The clock is pointed at 01.00 PM, sounds and tunes are collided each other, raged my ears with an uncomfortable harmony. Well, at least this song isnt bad like the crappy cannons at the God Eden.

How long did I waited this guy?

My feet are stiffed out and my body is dripped wet cause of the sweats. I've been rushed from my house, imagined how stupid it will be if I made him waited so long. But now the side is switched, I was the one who sat down like an abandoned boy in this park and he was the one who lated.

Where the hell is HAKURYUU?!!

You're devil. Made me waited alone in here and made me must watched these crappy sceneries. How could I stood and thought positive if I was surrounded by dating mate, family picnics, and horrible kissing scenes?!

I'll kill you-

"Heyyy!! Shuu!! Sorry, I'm late!"

E-eh?! That is too fast! I was just thought about an accident that hitted you at the road! Ah, whatever. Finally he is here.

For god's sake, I'll wrote a happy ending for my love story!

"Well, dont worry. I'm okay," I replied with a smile. This expression must be worked out if I wanted to showed my strong mental. Ganbare, Shuu!

Hakuryuu giggled and patted my head. "No, I bet you didnt. Too much horror scenes from those romantic couples, right?"

Okay, my first strategy had broke up.

"K-kinda like that..." I answered softly. Hakuryuu quicly pulled my hand and set me on my feet. "Shall we?"


Hakuryuu's Ver:

It isnt a date. You must be crazy, it isnt a date.

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