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All the poems here were made by me, specifically for my enjoyment.  I'm not even sure if you can consider these drabbles as "poetry", so call them however you like that is not insulting.

There may be mild references to other sources, and i do not own the picture used in the cover. I do not care about any negative feedback, as this is just made for me and me alone, since I need the outlet for all my problems.

Most poems have song references, i do not own those said songs, if ever you would notice.

The lowercase in these poems are intended, so please do not go all grammar nazi on me.

If you DO happen to like these poems, or have any assessive criticisms for me, please do so with he comments. Votes are nice, but comments are 👌👌👌.

Sincerely yours,

alexithymia  || poemsWhere stories live. Discover now