Chapter 1: Suprise alarm, seriously!?

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"Liz!... Liz!!... Elizabeth!!!"

I opened my eyes to see Janice's big blue eyes looking at me and examining me like I have a stake in my face or something.

I groaned, "What,did something happened?"

"And why are you calling me by me Elizabeth? You know I I dislike my name." I asked my second question which she totally ignored.

"No, you just frikking screamed for 10 minutes, non-stop!" she screamed, ready to strangle me. I obviously pissed her off because one momment I was screaming (like she said) and worrying her the next I woke up and asked her a casual question like, "What,did something happened?"

"You ask me what's happening but I think you should ask yourself what's happening with yourself." She eyed me with a obviously look.

"It's nothing," I said

"You know I think we should talk to the teacher about this. Last year you didnt have any of this screaming in the middle of the friging early in the morning routine." She said in a tone of as a matter of fact.

"Do you honestly think that a teacher could help me get rid of my dream?"

"Okay fine they might not help, but at least Im getting some solutions." Janice said while tying her mid-length blond hair back in a messy ponytail.

"Have you imagined what the teachers would tell us if we tell them I have problems because of my dreams?" I knew for a fact that the teachers in a hunters school would be strict about everything, especially because we are hunting vampires. Which might result of us dying, so if I tell them I was troubled because of my dreams, well they would think I wouldnt survive in a single second in a battle.

"I already said that youre right you dont have to rub it in," She said sounding hurt.

I felt a laughter escape my lips, "Janice, how much sarcasm can you put in that phrase?"

When Janice was about to reply something (obviously sounding much more hurted and shocked) when the emergency alarm went off and I was on my feet ready for action. I was proud of myself for wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt because I knew this would happen and with this clothes I can ,move more freely. Janice was waring her light blue, silk pajamas and was looking over our room like an hawk, looking for her emergency kit. I found hers and mine, I handed Janice her kit. We dashed acroos the hallway, where other students runned franticly in their night wear. I saw pajamas with ricously printed bunnies an unicorns, I knew they were the new kids, I didnt bother to laugh because of the current situation but if it was different I would have never contained my laugh.

Throughout the way out of the dorm we came down sets of stairs and through the underground tunnel. Obviously Janice was really pissed of this sudden alarm going off, we knew this was the usual suprise drill that happens every year at the start of a new term. I was readying my self to stab something with the stake which made sense with all the dummies swinging on top of us pretending to be vampires (less deadly but still does the job for exercises). Readying to stake a dummy I turned to my right and quickly staked the dummy in the spot that was painted in red which was supposed to be the heart, but something caught my eye. There was a blur of colours in a second and that was when I knew this wasnt me hallucinating. I quickly looked at my left to see Janice being held by a man with dirty blond hair, he was much taller than I was with a swimmers body; but the thing that caught my attention was his red eyes showing hunger in them. I looked around the tunnel but I realized that we were lead in a different tunnel to be lured out by someone who clearly wanted us dead.

"What do you want?" I asked the vampire with a neutral tone.

"Nothing in particular," he replied cooly, "just some blood."

"Well you should go now , because you are not getting any," i told him feeling anger course through me.

"Liz you should go now, please" Janice pleaded.

"Janice you know goddamned well I'm not leaving by myself.

"Now, now," the vampire said, "you shouldnt make me loose one of my meals."

"LIz go n...." the vampire made Janice shut up before she finished her sentence.

"What did you do to her?" I asked the vampire, getting ready to stake him.

"I just made her unconcious as you can clearly see she is breathing," he said sarcasticly. He was bending down to get ready to bite Janice when I said "I just warned you." i launched at him with the stake ready, he moved around quick enough to dodge it but because of this he had no choice but to let go of Janice's body which fell to the ground. I tried to launch the stake at him but he dodged it again and the next thing I knew he was holding me like a prisoner.

"Nice reflexes, I admit your pretty used to this arent you," he whispered in my ear.

"Obviously we have to be to take out leeches like you," I hissed back at him. I knew that that moment was the right time to stap him with my other stake. I tried it and it worked!

I got out of his arms and spun around readying myself to attack once more. He was yelling because of the pain? I might have stabbed him somewhere it really hurts. Good. He looked at me with those red eyed and I knew he was enraged but when he got a good look at my face his face was a look of surprise and curiosity, I unleashed all my anger and quickly took that oportunity to stake him. The last thing I saw of that vampire was that sudden look of suprise in his red eyes, and his last words were "Who are you?" he turned turned to dust while looking at me.

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