Chapter 1-Familiar faces

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 We come across a freelancer named Calli, who has just arrived at Blue base.

Calli walked up to the base, her green and yellow armor standing out, the blue's voices coming out of their base. "Caboose, what did you call command for?" The teal one said. "You can't blame me. I called command 'cause I shot Church again." The dark blue one said to the teal one. Calli was so confused as she walked in. "Um, hello?" She said stopping in front of them. They looked at her. The teal one approached her. "Oh! I didn't think they would really send someone out this fast. Well, here's the short version. Caboose, shot another one of our team mates don't know why you're here do you?"

Calli chuckled. "Not really. Command just sent me here. What was your name?" The teal one cleared his throat. "I'm Tucker. That's Caboose." He said pointing to the dark blue team member behind him. "And the one that's cursing in the back of the base is Church." Calli looked surprised. "You mean Lennard Church?" Tucker shrugged.

"Why in the hell would you shoot me in the foot you douche! I asked you not to help me!" Church complained, limping to the center of the base. He stopped, seeing Calli. 'Who called a freelancer?!" Tucker sighed. "Who else?" Caboose slumped away further into the base. "Tucker did it!"

"Just what I need right now!" Church said, angrily, his baby blue armor color close to Tucker's.

Calli was still confused, but scoffed at Church's comment. "I didn't ask to come here. Don't really need you." She mumbled. "Oh burn!" Tucker laughed. "I heard it man! Freaking owned!" Church growled. "Tucker! Go! Away!" Tucker shook his head and went back further into the base. Church looked at Calli. "I know why you're here." Calli didn't say anything. "You're here to see Tex aren't you?"

Calli sighed. "I was told I could find her here. And if she wasn't here, that you would know where to find her." Church winced, his foot still hurting, but nodded. "She told me she was going for a walk. She should come back soon." Calli nodded. "Thanks Leonard." Church sighed. "Just call me Church. I don't go by Leonard anymore." Calli smiled. "So how long have you been on this base?" Church looked at blue base. "Way too long." Tucker laughed. "Bow chica bow wow!"


 Tex sat on the rock face and sighed. She was alone at last. She needed some time to herself. Church and the others were getting on her nerves. She stared at the sky, thinking about her past. She missed being carefree. She missed her old life. "I can't go back." She said to herself. "Only forward." She looked at blue base, curious as to what they were doing. She saw someone different. Was that a freelancer? She looked closer with the scope on her sniper rifle.

She looked at the distinct colors. Green and yellow colored armor, with a red stripe on the helmet. That red stripe meant that that freelancer has killed many times. Only one female freelancer had that stripe in their possession. Agent California. That girl had guts, and talent. She was third on the leaderboard at the time, and she had kept up with Tex often. An even match for her, and one of her friends.

Tex locked onto Calli's radio channel. "Didn't take you long to find me did it?" She asked over the coms. Calli looked toward the rocky mountainside. "Well you aren't too hard for me to find Tex. You know that." Calli said crossing her arms. "So why don't you come down and talk?" Tex stood up. "Why don't you come up here?" Calli nodded and  started towards the mountainside. Church looked up at the mountainside. Something was up, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

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