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tori's pov

i couldn't find ron, i knew he was going to say something and jake wasn't going to be very happy.
my stomach has a sick feeling and i sensed
something was not going to end well

ron's pov

" where the fuck is he?! " jake yells at me.
"jake.. maybe it was an accident.." i say immediately regretting telling him about the kiss.

" i say immediately regretting telling him about the kiss

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" accident. im not playing games ron! "
he laughs evilly while loading his gun.
"alright.. now you take me to them, or i blow out your brains." jake has his loaded gun pointed at my head.
"jake i do-" 'BAM'.

jake's pov

i shot him.
ron was dead.
i watched his body hit the floor and his blood drip onto the tiles.
i didn't feel anything.
i liked this feeling i was getting.
i run out the door with my gun hidden under my coat
"hey uh.. i heard a gunshot, is everything ?"
it was sasha.
i wanted to shot her, my gun was under my coat...why not?
but i didnt
" everything is fine.. i was just cleaning my gun out and didnt realize i had a bullet in there " i lie.
" well be careful next time.. we don't want to lose someone like you, you're a good kid. you know that jake?"
i look down then back at her

 you know that jake?"i look down then back at her

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i begin to get this sick feeling in my stomach.
im not a 'good kid' i just shot one of my friends!? what type of kid kills their friend!?
"i ..uh.. gotta go" i say exiting myself out of the conversation.

i run towards the watch tower hoping carl might still be there but he isn't
shit i say to myself
i want carl dead, he kissed my girlfriend. my girlfriend !
how am i supposed to just push that to the side and forget about it ?

carl's pov
i get back to my house and get in bed, all i can think about is that kissed.
i've never felt the same with other girls like i do with tori. there's just something special about her.

tori's pov

i decided to stay with enid today instead of staying with rick and carl, i didn't want any awkwardness between us two.
" your room is up stairs, second door to the left. there's some extra clothes in the drawer feel free to change " enid suggest
i smile and nod " thanks again for letting me stay, it means a lot ! " i say
" oh don't worry about it, it does get pretty boring here since i am the only one living here " she laughs.

jake's pov

i couldn't find carl so the last place i checked was his house, where tori and i were currently staying.
i was going to kill carl tonight, and i wasn't going to let anyone get in my way.

i open the door and see rick holding judith.
" hey, it's late. why don't you head up and wash up ? " rick offers. i hide the gun in my coat and nod, doing as told.

i open the door to carls room and see him sleeping, i grab the gun from my coat and aim it towards his head, i pull the trigger

nothing happens.

carl kicks me to the ground and grabs the gun from my hand aiming it at me
" you probably should've taken off the safety if you wanted to kill me "
he says confidently.

carl kicks me to the ground and grabs the gun from my hand aiming it at me" you probably should've taken off the safety if you wanted to kill me "he says confidently

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" and you probably should've never kissed my girlfriend " i say rudely.
" your girlfriend? oh you mean the one you ignore half the time and don't even show affection to ? " he continues " she deserves to be loved instead of being pushed away, if you really loved her you would treat her as if she's your world and i don't see much of that coming from you. " he finishes.
there was a pause.
" you're right .. im sorr- "
i kick his legs and he falls to the ground.
i can end this now.

carl's pov

im on the ground, in pain. jake has his gun pointed at me but this time the safety is off.
" sorry carl, but i dont let other guys kiss my girlfriend. it just doesn't work out " he laughs
this was it.
i was going to die.
i closed my eyes so i wouldn't have to see anything.
' BAM '

it was silent, i opened my eyes only to see my dad. i look down, and there he was.
his cold dead body lying on the ground.
how is tori going to react to this? i think to myself

tori's pov

"hey uh.. enid did you hear that gunshot? sounds like it came from ricks house.."
i nervously question.
" yeah i did, you gonna head over there ?"
she asks.
i reply " yeah i'll be back. "

i walk over to ricks house. it's quite.
i go upstairs and see rick standing at the door.
" tori... i uh.. " rick says.
i look under ricks feet.
it was jake.

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