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Tally have me a letter later that day, she said it was the last thing my dad did, write the letter, before he went over the top. I can't bare to open it. I don't want to know what his last thoughts were, because I know he was scared when he died and I don't want him to have been afraid.
So I've hidden it, nobody knows about it and nobody will, except Tally of course. It's in the same place I keep the others, my dad has sent me lots of letters, most of which nobody knows about and all of which I haven't opened.
They could say anything, they could say that he's not actually dead and he's run away from war to look after me, mum and Tyger. But, of course, they don't,they'll say that the weather's been nice recently and he hopes that he'll be able to come home on leave soon. They'll say he wants the war to end or he misses home or he'll tell me a story about when he was young, but I can't bare to open them, because then I can still cling on to some hope.

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