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Levy POV
Everybody was sprawled out on the floor. Not one person sober, except for me... The exceeds didn't drink either. I've never been a drinker. Even Lucy drank this time because Natsu had convinced her.

You know how he convinced her?

It was their wedding and he wanted her to have a little fun so now most of the wedding cake is either eaten or on the floor and you know how Erza reacted to that.


That was a pretty horrible scene to witness.

A feel something wrap around my waist, and it was that drunken iron-dragon slayer, you guessed it Gajeel.

He was odd when drunk, kinda pathetic. I imagine letting him lean against me and if he did I would probably suffocate trying to get out from underneath his weight. I'm already short height-wise, I don't need to be far below average short width-wise too!

I asked panther lily for help, since he was sane and we both dragged him back to his place. He probably weighed a TON maybe literally considering his iron eating.

Lily and I laid him down onto his bed. Lily insisted that I stay because I was exhausted and he was too. We carried him up the staircase to his apartment so it's understandable neither of us wanted to go back to my place. I sat on a small chair near his bed and read a book I left here once.

Yes, I've been here before but only for a job meet up place. I hear a small movement and looked up. He's gone.

I looked left, and then right and he was right there looking at me about 5 inches away. I let out a small speak and fell off the chair. He caught me and it was just like one of those crappy movie that I still watch. He leaned in closer and my face heated up.

"levy..." He said in a strong voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"I have something to tell you." He followed up. I remained silent, my face heating up by the second.

"I'm pregnant." He deadpanned. I bitch-slapped him in the face knocking him out and letting him sleep so he can sober up.

What the hell. I thought he loved me.

Konnichiwa minna! So I have several fairytail ship oneshots, and one Nalu story called Lucy Lives. I'm actually very proud of my oneshots especially my Gruvia one! I'll shut up now but PLEASE check out my profile they are COMPLETED for those who only read complete stories like me, SAYONARA!

-Fairy Saiii

Pregnant // Gale // one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now