Emma introduces herself

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"Goodmorning starshine!
The Earth says hello!"

-Johnny Depp, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Hello beautiful people❤

∅I'll introduce myself first∅

My name is Emma, and I'm a 14-year-old Italian gurl.

As you may have understood by now, I'm actually a Helenaist. Yeah.

Now you may think: "But what is this book about?"

Well, I was in the toilet one day, thinking about the misteries of life, when I suddenly had a brilliant idea😌

I thought: "Why don't ask my friends Helenaists some stories about Helena?"

I'll explain better: I asked if they had some stories about Helena, 'stories' means the story of when they met her (if they did ofc), the story of how they became Helenaists, simply some thoughts about her that they particularly want to share, or such.

It actually could be interesting reading them, couldn't it?

So, what are you waiting, turn to page 394! ------>📖


Please follow my Instagram page @cheekbones_littlepigs (obviously about Hel)

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