How I ALMOST met Helena & became a Helenaist

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"So, it was Sunday 10 November 2014, and my family and I decided to have fun. (I wasn't a Helenaist yet back then) We decided to go to Leonardo Da Vinci's museum in Vinci, near I live. Well, it was in the evening and we came back home at night. The next day it was a Monday and I went to school as always. I returned home at 1:00 p.m. and my mother opened the door. The first thing she said was: "I have news." and I was like: "Oookay😕" So she gave me her phone and I looked. There was the Museum's Facebook page and there was this photo of Helena (the one above⬆) and under it, it said something like: "Thank you to Helena Bonham Carter, who visited our museum this very morning." You can't imagine my face. I was like: "Oh my freaking gosh! I missed her for less than 12 hours!!" I went so bananas😒
Really. I missed her for less than 12.f*cking.hours. I was freaking out. So the next day I started searching Helena on the Internet, and started watching her films. And so I became a Helenaist."

- Emma

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