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We get out of the airplane, and made a long line to get out of there, we were waiting for our backpacks, but that took a long time I don't know why.
My mom's friend went to take us in the airport. She was with her husband on a red big car, we went to get some food, to take it home. We went home, and when I open the door I look at the kitchen, and I saw a really cute guy. I was really surprised because he didn't look like that before. Then he say "hi" to me, and I say "hi" back
Better than a boyfriend, a boy best-friend?© by itssmegabby

Thanks guys I hope you all enjoy, Comment and vote. Write what you think about it. Guys y'all should comment what's going to happen in the story so comment what y'all wanted to happen.

Love Gaby💘
Ohh!!! Also I'll post Tuesdays/Thursdays/ and Saturdays / And sometimes random days

Peace out✌🏻️

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