Chat's Princess

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Marinette's POV:

  Princess, princess, princess! Chat has been calling me that nonstop. Do I look like a princess? I'm more like a knight; a super hero of course. If anyone was a princess it was certainly him.

  I was always saving him along with Paris. In the end it would be him captured or under the control of the Akumatized villain. I understand he was trying to help but still.

  He was like the damsel in distress.

   Honestly if I'm your 'princess' you better be prepared to treat me like one.

  Well, I would enjoy quite a lot if he would treat me that way. I would want someone to paint my nails and help me with sewing and fashion designing. I would like some chocolate or a type of sweet to be brought to me. Something like that would be nice. Even just for a day. Besides I need a break from school and being Ladybug.

  I wonder what Chat is doing anyways. 
I laughed. He's probably thinking of other ways to flirt with me. Well- Ladybug I mean.

Chat Noir's POV:

  I sat out on top of a building, pieces of crumbled paper laying at my feet. I was trying to write something for Ladybug. Something different because my first Valentines Day with her didn't work out how I planned. Here's what I have so far:

  My lady, I have much to tell you.
  I love how courageous and ambitious you are. I love your bright blue eyes. I love how you handle the situation in such a tranquil manner. You never falter. You are so intelligent when it comes to using your Lucky Charm.  Ladybug, what I have to say is I care and love you. You might know this already... I feel as if something important is connected to is as though we are simply meant to be.

  No. I shouldn't even tell her something like this. I toss the paper away, it starts to drift into the wind but I don't care. I decide to check up on Marinette, I've always been curious about this talented girl anyways.

  I leapt from the buildings to find her house and I come upon it. I see her bakery and watch her come to the top balcony area and sit down on a chair with a small sketch pad. I leap over from behind.

"Hi, Marinette."
  "Ah! Oh- it's you Chat. What are you doing here?"

  "Curious to see what you're up to, my princess." Realization hit me. Oh no... She's probably freaked out... What do I do? I say that to Ladybug not her! She laughed and smirked, "Chat, if I'm a princess you should be treating me like one." She said standing up to me.

  Alright... This won't be hard, c'mon Adrien you can do this. "Okay, what would you like me to do?" I questioned as I followed her inside. She sat down and handed me a bottle of bright red nail polish and remover. The nail polish made me think of Ladybug but I ignored it and hesitated, "what's this for?" She gave me a look. "To paint my toenails? What else?" She said laying down and giving me her foot.

I uncapped it and out came a pungent scent that hurt my nose. I took out the small brush inside and painted her nails as she read a book. Honestly it wasn't as hard I thought. Still... How do girls do it?

Marinette eventually fell asleep so I put away her stuff for her and threw a blanket down. I heard voices from downstairs getting closer.

"Marinette? Are you still awake?" It said as her mom opened the trapdoor, swiftly, I climbed up the ladder and stood at the top. She looked around and smiled and shut the door. Sighing, I jumped out from the room and on top.

It was getting late and someone would eventually notice I wasn't home so I dashed home from building to building and de-transformed once I got to my room.

The next day, Marinette found that letter Chat wrote. "I love that cat."

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