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Marinette's POV

I was so happy today and It had to do with a certain boy;). My gut was just telling me something good is gonna happen today, and oh was it right.
*Few hours ago*
I woke up today to go to school. When I got to school I was surprisingly early. So I made my way to Alya. "Hey girl" said Alya. "Hey Alya" I said. " So I heard a certain boy (Adrien) was giving out invitations to a pool party tomorrow " Alya said with a smirk. " Ha there is no way he is gonna invite me" soon after I said that Adrien walks up to me and Alya and says

" Hey girls, so I'm having this pool party tomorrow and I'm hoping you guys could come, here ( takes invitations) hope you guys can make it" Me and Alya just nodded and smiled. Soon after he left I started to freak the fuck out!!

"ALYA, OMFG WE JUST GOT INVITED TO HIS POOL PARTY!!WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!" I said loudly. "ok, first CALM DOWN!" I took a few breathers than calmed down. " ok, so I was thinking that after school we could go shopping for bikinis and then have a sleepover. In the meantime let's work on your talking skills, so you can talk better to Adrien without stuttering." Alya said with a smile. " Sounds great" I said happily.

*After School*

"Ok girl, lets go shopping!!!" said Alya happily. As we were walking to the mall we noticed to certain boys, who seemed to be going to the same place. "Hey Alya, isn't that Nino and Adrien?" I asked. Alya looked over " I think so, but just to make sure" Alya said with a smirk, " HEY NINO AND ADRIEN" said Alya loud enough for everyone around her to get her attention. The boys looked over, smiled and waved. "Hey dudettes" says Nino. " Hey guys" says Adrien. " So what brings you guys here" I said surprisingly not stuttering. I was honestly proud of myself. " Oh, well we actually were making our way to the mall to buy swimsuits." says Adrien. I kind of blush thinking about Adrien without a shirt;). Alya then answered " Oh, what a coincidence we were doing the same thing." Alya said elbowing me. I noticed that Adrien was blushing.

Adrien's POV

Hmm Marinette in a bikini. Oh crap im blushing hopefully no one notices. Then Marinette says " Well, we should get going, umm see you guys tomorrow." Marinette says with a smile. Wow I never noticed she had such a cute smile. Wait.. what am I thinking I don't like Marinette, Do I?

But do I like Marinette? Anyways...I waved goodbye at the two girls and watched as they left.

"Dude, do you like Marinette or something because you were staring at her and blushing!! Nino said excitedly. "W-what a-are you t-t-talking about?" I stuttered. "OMG you do like her" Nino said happily.

Marinette's POV

"OMG Marinette did you not notice that Adrien was staring at you!!" Alya said happily. "w-what are you t-talking about? I stuttered. " There is no way Adrien would have any interest in me." I said determined. " whatever you say" Alya said with a smirk.

We went into a store with a sale of 50% off the entire store, so we went in. We found so many cute bikinis but there was on that caught my eye. It was red with black spots, Alya thought it was perfect and told me to try it on. So I did and asked how it look, she said " Oh my gooyy it looks amazing on you girl!! Adrien is gonna be drooling all over you". I giggled at the thought of that.

"Well, thanks Alya I'm gonna buy this bathing suit, but now it's your turn"I said with a smile. While we were looking I found a bathing suit that I thought would look gorgeous oh her. "Hey Alya, what about this one" I said. The bathing suit it was a cheetah style. "Try it on" I say. Alya goes to the changing rooms and comes out looking amazing.

"Alya that looks amazing" I said happily. " I know I look amazing." Alya said giggling. " Now I know for sure Nino will be drooling over you" I said giggling."S-shut u-up let's go buy these bikinis."said Alya blushing . After we bought what we needed we went over to my house to have the sleepover. "Hi mama, is it ok if Alya sleeps over?" I asked. "Sure honey."My mom said politely.

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