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//shut up i tried//

"luke hemmings." he puts his hand out in front of him.

"samantha parker." i grab his hand. its very soft.

"pleasure to meet you, samantha." he lets go of my hand.

"oh, please," i pause to scoff, "call me sam."

"thats new." i put my head down and turn, walking away from the handsome boy who helped me pick my textbooks up.

i stop, "hm?"

"what?" he asks.

"we'll talk later. my locker is B249, meet me there after school." i wink at him and continue my walk to english.

luke, he is really hot. like, really hot. with his blue eyes and blonde hair, and his lip piercing, his lankiness. i really want to get to know him.

entering the classroom, i sit in the way back. as soon as i take out my pencil and notebook, the bell rings.

"okay class," mr. orthun claps his hands while saying. he has a habit of doing that, "today, we are going to write about something we are very passionate about. we wont be sharing, so go ahead and write until your hearts content– oh! i take that back, i mean, not the content heart stuff, but the non-sharing. we will have our monthly notebook check. i almost forgot it was the 19th. im getting so old."

the class fake laughs, like everyone does when you want the teacher to give you a good grade, but i dont. not because i dont like mr. orthun, in fact i think he is the best teacher working in this entire hell hole. he just lets us write all period, with lessons only once a week and tests only 6 times a semester. i just didnt laugh because it simply was not funny. oops.

"sam? did you hear me?" my best friend, calum, asks. calum is not human, and that surprised me the first time he told me, but honestly, im so used to it now. okay – calum is human, but hes not mortal. he just never dies.

i mean sure, having an immortal best friend isnt very common; in fact, its actually a once in a lifetime kind of thing. he just lives forever and i honestly find it quite fascinating. he tells me all about his past lives and i cry at every story.

"sam? what the hell is wrong with you?" calum snaps me out of my thinking again.

"nothing, i just dont feel like writing today." all i want to do is think about luke.

"you always feel like writing." he rolls his eyes. "just spill."

"stop knowing me so well. its creepy, cal." i smile. "its this really hot guy i ran into on the way to class. oh. my. god. he was so pretty. his eyes were blue and his hair was all quiffed up and blonde and just – wow, calum. i think if you saw him, you would date him."

"im not gay!" he shout-whispers.

"keep telling yourself that, dude." we all know calum's gay. everyone does. except calum, of course.

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