Gray x abused reader

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It all started as a coincidence. An accidental meeting. One that could possibly change fate for everyone.

"YOU GET OUT THERE AND DO AS I ORDERED!" You didn't even try to protect yourself as a blow was delivered to your head. You stepped backwards towards the door and slipped on your sandals before running out into the cold night.

Your uncle, the man you live with, hated you. It's a long story so here it is.

Your mother died giving birth to your little sister (S/n) and your father became overly stressed out, trying to give both of you love that was as if from two parents instead of one. Then, one day, (S/n) became really ill and was bedridden at the hospital. You refused to leave her side until you were dragged out. Your father was driving you to the toy store to get a present for (S/n) when a drunk driver T-bones your car. You barely survived. And your father died. One month later, (S/n) died and you were alone. You were sent to your uncle's house when you were a young teen. Your Uncle blames you for all of their deaths.

You are now (age) and he has been pushing thoughts into your head and scars into your body. You are left as just an emotionless girl, now. Your uncle's toy to play with when he gets mad, sad, or happy. Or just drunk.

You shivered as you walked down the street to the market. He had asked (ordered) you to get some things. Mainly medical stuff, food, and a new belt. So you were basically if you get a belt, you're buying your own torture tool, knowing your uncle will use it on you.


You looked up and your eyes widened as the cart came flying towards you. You just froze. Did you fear death? You would gladly accept it, though. To and all the pain.

"Got you!"

You were suddenly thrown out of the way. Well, it felt like it. As far as you know, you were just pushed harshly. You fell on your back and turned to see who pushed you.

It was a boy with messy raven hair, a white button up shirt unbuttoned, and dark pants. You couldn't help but notice he had a very good looking chest. There was muscles, but not so buff it was scary.

The cart came to a halt in front of him and the horses seemed to glare at him.

"Thank you, sir! I hope I didn't hurt the lady. Is she alright?" The driver stumbled out of the cart and bowed slightly to the boy.

The boy turned to look at you with dark blue (idk. Black? Blue? Just dark?) eyes. "She's alright. Right?"

You nodded and pushed yourself to your feet. "I'm fine." You said. Your voice cracked a bit because it was rarely used at all.

"You sure, miss? I'm terribly sorry if I caused you trouble. Oh! I have a shop you can come to. You can get whatever you two want as payment." He said really quickly.

You blinked a few times trying to process his rapid speech. You could get whatever you wanted? So you could afford everything you need without having to work for it!

"No thanks. You need the money." The boy said. "If you do that, then here. Take this." He pulled a sack out of his pocket and tossed it to the driver.

"Oh! Thank you sir! You are to kind."

You watched as they talked a bit more and looked around. How long has you been just here doing nothing? If your uncle found out, you would be in huge trouble.

"Hey, you sure you're fine?"

You snapped out of your thoughts and took a step back in surprise. He was about five centimetres awat from your face. When did he get so close?

"Yeah! Of course I'm fine!" You said and put your hands up to show you were fine.

"Then what's this on your head?" He asked and reached for the side of your head and you felt a sudden pain mixed with the cold touch of his finger.

You winced and figured he touched where your uncle had hit you. "Oh, that's been there. You didn't cause that."

"How did you get it?" He questioned.

"I-" then you found a bit of courage. "Why should I tell you if I don't even know your name?"

"Okay then. I'm Gray. (A/n: I forgot the R. So he said he was Gay. Depends on how you see it. He can be.) What's your name?" He held out his hand to you.

"Okay, Gray. I'm (Y/n)." You said and took his hand. It was cold. Yet it felt nice. "Where were you headed?" You asked after letting to of his hand.

"Oh. Nowhere, really. Just to my house. Now, can you tell me where that bruise came from." He looked at you with a look that said he wanted to know. But why did he want to? No one cares about you. Right?

"I, er..." How were you supposed to tell him your uncle abused you? You just met! "It was an accident." You found yourself saying. "I was messing around this morning and something but my head."

You watched as he slowly nodded. "Okay. I'm guessing you were headed to the market?"

You nodded.

"Mind if I tag along?" He asked.

You nodded again and let a small smile come to you.


You looked at Gray as he suddenly shot icy chains towards your uncle and binding him. Years streamed down your face from pain and relief. He had saved you. Your crush had saved you.

You and Gray had been meeting up every other night for about two months now. And you were late so he went to your house. Only to see your uncle telling curses at you and beating you with an empty bottle. It's contents were almost shoved down your throat.

Gray rushed to you and engulfed you in a hug and lifted you to your feet. "It's alright now. I got you. He can't hurt you anymore."

You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. You felt safe in his arms. "C-can we leave?" You asked softly.

"Of course. Let's go to my house. I can bandage you up there and I can show you Fairy Tail." He picked you up bridal style and walked out of your uncle's house.

"I'll find you! I swear on my life, I will find you b*st*rd!" Your uncle yelled after you.

You ignored him and rested your head on Gray's chest. You could hear his heart and feel his cool skin. It felt nice.

"You can sleep (Y/n)." Gray said with a small smile.

You nodded as you yawned. You didn't sleep much anyway. You could stay awake.

"Okay. Here we are." Gray looked down at you and saw you were asleep. He smiled softly and carried you inside. He laid you down on his bed and began cleaning some of your wounds.

He looked down at you once he was done. Your beautiful (h/c) hair flowed around your head and your (e/c) eyes were closed peacefully. Almost like a sleeping angel. You could certainly pass as an angel in his eyes.

He leaned down and kisses you lightly in the lips. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." He said.

This was awful, wasn't it? I'm sorry. I've never done something like this before. I'm more of the reader of one-shots, and stuff like that. Criticism is highly needed and expected. Please don't be to harsh though. I have feelings.


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