A Rendevous

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I wake-up to the soft ringing of my alarm clock. I open my eyes and look at my clock. '5:30' I groan, this is gonna be a long day. I look at my surroundings taking it all in. I just moved out of my parents house and i'm looking for a job. Oh, btw I'm Peresphone, Peresphone Byrd and i'm 18. I live in the capital city Washington D.C, in a little apartment. Its pretty nice, It has large glass windows with curtains and a large bed. Today im heading out in search for a job. I've applied for some things already and today im being interviewed.
After another 10 minutes in bed i finally get-up. I head over to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. then i put some light make-up on and put on presentable clothes. My mom always say "First Impressions last". I guess today i was taking that into notice. I quickly eat breakfast, Which is in-fact a Twix bar and head out. I have my own car, Its a little Mini Cooper that i won in an obstacle course competition. So i guess you can say i'm quite athletic. I used to take martial arts and parkour, Oh and i also used to shoot targets with a hand gun that my dad used to have. So i can also defend myself.
After a few highways and main roads, i arrive in my first job interview. I glance at my wrist-watch '7:00', Just in time i say to myself. I look up to see this huge glass building. I walk up the steps and step in. A wind of strong air conditioning hits me. I walk up to the counter and find this small petite girl. She has long bright blue hair and honey brown eyes. I read her name tag 'INTERN: Marrissa Everlonging'. "Hi Marrissa, I'm Peresphone and i'm here for my job interview", I say clearly. "Oh hi, just go take a seat over there", she says pointing at an empty seat next to this boy. I glance at him, He has dark hair thats messed up all over his head, dark eyes thats a color i couldn't make out and cute dimples that pop up when he's smiling at something on his phone. He's cute, i say in my head before sitting down beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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