Chapter 1

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I really don't like how repetitive this is ._. so I tried to make it longer


Ever since I met him I have been trying to avoid him, Chase Davenport, sometimes the name makes me cringe. I don't hate him, but it just seems that he loves to annoy me. It is just easier to stay away from him. Saying that makes the fact that sometimes we still talk to each other sound hypocritical.

But it's not like I try to talk to him, or try to think about him. He's not usually on my mind.

"Thinking about me?" He smirked, watching me tap my fingers on my desk, lost in thought.

"Mom, please please please don't make me go!" I begged, practically on my knees.

"You're father and I have discussed it and you are going. End of discussion." My mother said sternly and walked away. But it seems like there is no chance of me getting out of this. But this doesn't matter. I have a car, I have a license, and it means that they can think I at school, but it doesn't mean I am going to stay.

This was the downside to not having assigned seats in some classes. Those were when he would try to sit near me, I could never come to any other conclusion other than to annoy me.

"Trust me, I hardly think about you" I scoffed, now sitting up straight to face him head on.

"Love that you used the word 'hardly' instead of never. You may want to choose your words more carefully" he chuckled. He thinks he's suck a smart ass. Well he can be, an obnoxious smart ass that is.

"It's hard to never think about you when I see you around every day" I rolled my eyes, waiting for the bell to ring. Class was almost over anyway. I had already out all my stuff away and the teacher was t even paying attention. I then slouched over and put my head in my arms trying to pass the time.

Bad decision on my part.

"Are you going to the lock in?" Chase asked, leaning in so close to my ear I could feel it. I was immediately stiff. It's like he knew what I was thinking about.

This isn't fair, I have a little above average grades, I have straight B's. Why are they making me do this? I'm in high school, lock-ins are stupid! What is the point of them?! But if I know one thing, is that if I go, HE can never find out..

I have never been the best liar.

"Who cares, we both know it's not your thing" I stated, lifting my head up from my arms to look at him. He had kept this stare going. I didn't know how I felt about it. I quickly looked over to the clock, feeling the room turn hot. Except it wasn't the room that was hot..

"Someone's uncomfortable" he whispered yet again in my ear. I'm actually surprised no one has noticed us yet. Not that there was anything going on.

It made me shiver.

"And how would you know if it wasn't. My thing?" He whispered, still near my ear. I thought me shivering at the closeness would have made him back up, even just a little bit. Any normal person would have. But he wasn't just any person.

"You know it's not your thing" I shot back inching my face away from him. But he had another thing in mind.

"Avoiding the question I see" he smirked, leaning in closer to me than before, us practically touching. Seriously, how is no one seeing this?! I could actually feel his lips just above the surface of my neck, and my body burning at how close he was.

"But why would you care?" I asked, praying the bell would ring and get me away from him. I can only handle so much of Chase at once. He is really pushing the limit today. He seems to do this a lot.

"I care more than you may thi-"

The bell, finally!

I used that chance to jump away from him and with my backpack on my back, get out of the classroom. But he caught up to me though.

"Bree," he said pulling at my arm, turning me around.

"What?" I asked, using my other hand to take his hand off of my other arm.

I saw this look in his eyes, but I ignored it. I don't know what it meant.

"Uh- nothing" he said suddenly, shaking his head a bit and quickly moving away from me. Making me look behind me watching him walk away.

What was that?

He has never done that before, that's new.

Then I realized I was just standing there in the hallway, thinking.

I got my feet to move and I heard the warning bell go off, so I ran to class. And I happened to run past Chase, who was leaning against the wall. I tried not to look at him while going past him, but I can do this. Only one more class until lunch. That won't be so bad. I'll just drive myself home so nothing else awkward can happen.

"Bree!" Chase said following me down the hall until he caught onto my arm, spinning me to face him.

"What?" I asked, "I'm going to be late to class"

"You should know that we will be seeing a lot of each other at the lock-in" He smirked, not letting go of my hand until I made him.

I didn't even say anything. I just rolled my eyes and went to class with a couple seconds to spare.


There are literally bars on the doors. I really shouldn't be surprised, this is Principal Perry we are talking about. I'll never be able to leave with her wandering the halls all night. I never even got an actual answer about why I was being forced to go.

I am not prepared now, I assumed I would be able to sneak out. Now all I have is my phone and my car keys. Great.

I walked down the hallway, walking past fellow students. I went to the stairs and sat down on the landing with my feet laid out in front of me. There has to be an opportunity for me to escape. I seriously don't see the point in this.

"Hey Bree" I heard as I slightly jumped, but not literally. And opened my eyes, to see Chase right next to me. Yeah, I have to be being punished, seriously.

"Yes Chase" I sighed, closing my eyes again, with my head against the wall.

"Hey, don't be like that," He chuckled, his arm brushing against my own.

"Well I don't want to be here" I said, still not looking at him, still not opening my eyes.

"Then why are you here?" He asked sincerely. He has never sounded like this before, it's a bit weird.

"I don't have a choice, Chase, don't you think I want to leave?"

"Then why don't you?" He asked.

I opened my eyes finally and looked his way to find him already staring at me, that look in his eyes were back too. To my surprise, he was sitting a respectful distance away.

"I can't get passed Perry's security" I stated, point blank.

"If you aren't afraid of heights there is another way out" he said with a comedic grin on his face, "but I know you just want me to leave you alone.. so I'll just go then.." he teased.

Then Chase got up and started to walk back down the stairs. I immediately got up too and chased after him and spinning him around by dragging his arm to me. He had that look again.

"Well where is it?" I asked, still not letting go of his arm yet. This is not like me.


I was going to keep going but I would rather post this as is than make you all wait any longer. I have taken forever. I have been going through a difficult time. I keep considering leaving wattpad and my fanpages. I just don't know what to do anymore. But I will be finishing my current stories. I feel that I owe my readers that. And then we'll see how things are by then. 

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