Chapter 3

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"Eh? Appa? Seobie-yah, he's not your appa" Soojin slowly explained, but then Yoseob started crying violently.

"Ani! He's my appa! You told me he's tall, fit, and handsome. It's him! He's my long lost appa!" Yoseob hugged Doojoon, who was dumbfounded at what the kid said about him.

The kid's description made him snicker. He never felt so proud of himself. He was dazing, while Soojin tried to get Yoseob away from him, but the kid's hug is so tight. The customers were already looking at them. To avoid any more trouble Soojin excused herself and went home early together with Doojoon who gave Yoseob a piggyback ride. On their way home, they came across a very exhausted Dongwoon.

"Oh my! Dongwoon-ah, are you alright? What happened?" Soojin helped Dongwoon to sit down on a bench nearby.

"I was looking for Yos—you found him? W-wait who is that guy noona?" Dongwoon pointed at Doojoon.

"My Doojoon appa!" Yoseob happily answered.

"Appa?" Just like Soojin, Dongwoon was also puzzled at first.

"It's a long story. By the way, I thought you were babysitting my son? Why did you leave him alone?"

"I was babysitting him. I told him, I was just going to meet a friend, who just came back from US, in the park. I was only gone for about 10 minutes, but when I went back, Seobie's gone. I'm really sorry noona. I should've stay with Seobie" Dongwoon explained.

Soojin forgave him and reminded him again not to leave Yoseob alone again. Their conversation was interrupted by the call of Dongwoon's friend from US. He immediately went to his friend after he bid his goodbyes. When Dongwoon left, Soojin took the sleeping Yoseob from Doojoon.

"Uhm, I really don't know how to thank you for all the things you've done to Yoseob. A-and I'm really, really sorry for the trouble my kid caused you" Soojin bowed down and shook Doojoon's hand.

"Ahaha, it's nothing. He's such a cute kid. He reminds me of my late younger brother, though he's not a crybaby as Yoseob. By the way, do you live there?" Doojoon pointed to the modern looking apartment complex behind him.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Ah, really? So, we're neighbors then. I lived in the 4th floor. How about you?"

"We live on the 3rd floor" Soojin replied. "I-I think we should go ahead. Yoseob is getting heavier each day" Soojin changed her style in carrying Yoseob.

Doojoon took Yoseob from Soojin. "Let me carry him since we just live in the same complex" Doojoon smiled and went ahead.

Soojin on the other hand, suddenly felt her cheeks burning. She shrugged it off and followed Doojoon inside. She led the way and when they reached her apartment door, Soojin thought Doojoon would give Yoseob to her, but instead, he asked her to open the door because he'll be the one to put Yoseob on his bed.


After Yoseob was already tucked in bed, Soojin offered some coffee to Doojoon.

"I really owe you a lot, sir?" Soojin hesitated on calling him 'sir'.

Doojoon nearly spit out his coffee as soon as he heard the word 'sir'. "Oh, no, no, don't be so formal" Doojoon chuckled. "I suppose we haven't had a proper introduction. I'm Yoon Doojoon by the way." Doojoon bowed. Soojin followed and then introduced herself.

Soon after, Doojoon left her apartment with a smile. Still thinking about her mistake earlier, she almost forgot about calling Gayoon. If it's not for her ringing phone on her pocket, she wouldn't have remembered calling Gayoon.


Hi~ I'm terribly sorry if I haven't updated this in months, well, I think it's past a year already and almost 2 years :O  

Well, here's an update and I won't promise that I can update tomorrow, but I'll try :) 

I hope you'll continue to support my story ^-^

Thank you~!

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