Handing Over The Keys

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Claire Pov

"Nice night isnt it" I say hearing Dean approach while I look at the stars. My favorite constellation The Huntress is shining extra bright tonight, just like it does every year on the 18th of August.

"Yeah the stars are especially erm twinkly? anyway Claire Novak long time no... is that a dress" Dean said and I swear to god a fly got in to that pie chomping mouth of his. As I take my eyes off the sky I get my first look at Dean and he's looking as clad-in-plaid as ever. 

"Jody and Alex say hi and if you can pop in on your way home"

"Oh no no no missy you can't change the subject that fast. soooooo what's the occasion, have you got a special somebody yet?"

"I was just out and lost track of time before I had to meet up with you" I say hoping he will believe me, but I know he doesn't when he raises his eyebrow so I try change the topic and thankfully he understands, we may not be driving but he better shut his cakehole. "so is that a yes or no to visiting the girls"

"I'm not sure I need to get back. I have work on Monday." he said with a frown obviously enjoying his little holiday

"Jody thought you would say that so she also said to tell you she has frashly beaked pie, and if you head straight to hers it will probably still be warm."

He had no reply to that but I could of sworn I herd him mutter "damn woman leave my pie out of it"

"so before I head to Jody's lets do this, in this envelope is everything we agreed to the keys to my baby and the bunker I also stocked up the bunker with food for you and don't forget if you need me I'm just a couple of towns over " and I can see it physically hurt him to hand over such an important part of his and his little brothers life

"thanks Dean and if at any point you want a break from your  "apple pie" life give me a call and we will go on a hunt ok"

"I'll take you up on that Claire" Dean said with a smirk "oh and Claire here is a little something for you. its my dads hunting journal so keep it safe, its also the only thing me and Sam had when we started hunting so think of it as a beginners guide to hunting. I put a sticky note on all the things we managed to checkout"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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