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1.why is it that they always fall for the bad boy?

2. when their girl character takes a shower 1) 20 minutes is taking a short shower? and 2) they never shave their legs or their arm pits they must have got some mager man legs!

3. nobody ever seems so just smile they always "smirk" lick what is that?

4. orbs is a new word for eyes now? seriously do you ever say to someone "wow you have some beautiful orbs!"

5. their names range from Kelsey to Lexie

6. why do they always right that Louis just LOVES carrots even though in his 1D vlog he was JOKING when he said "i like girls who eat carrots!" have you ever heard of a joke?

7. why is it that when ever they refer to one direction's voices they always seem deep? like deep irish accent or deep English accent, have you ever heard them talk? a deep accent means its like full-on british or irish

8. why do you always refer to Niall as Irish? i think we've covered that!

9. when they start dating like harry or niall or whatever they just automatically become life long best friends with Perrie and Eleanor

10. the only hair styles they know is 'messy' what did you forget to take a shower?

11. why would you want to go on tour with five boys common that just weird! and they just so happen to have an extra bunk? come live with us for 2 months!

12. do people in England or where ever in Europe always add 'love' to the end of there sentence EVERY time? like we get it your dating or its your female friend but seriously?

13. they live in Europe yet they ALWAYS have an American accent because oh their parents got divorced like 5 years ago so the dad (which is always the dad never their mom or grandpa/ma or something!) so they moved to England and its been like 3 years and they haven't picked up any kind of accent at all?!

14. they always where TOMS do you even have a a pair of tennis shoes or do you just have every single color in them?

14. they are really insecure and deny any compliments, when you deny a compliment you yourself are being rude and newsflash! boys hate that!

15. the main character is always Caucasian, either have "dark brown hair" or blonde hair and some time jet red hair like what? cant you just your a ginger and get over it? nobody actually cares!

16. you call your book a "humour" and yet I've never laughed out loud or in my head that's what humour means!

17. when the story is going good its interesting but not to like BAM! something terrible happens and right then and there i delete it off my library

18. the only school classes they have are 1 period and lunch and the occasional practice for a sport

19. they always live somewhere like California or New York! like have you ever heard of any of our states! (and no offense to people who truly don't now other US state names! I'm just saying its a cliche!) why not live in like Alaska or Washington or maybe even Hawaii?

20. they always have the weirdest cloths like "and american Indian pattern crop top with striped ripped shorts" 'cause i don't know about you but I've never seen that in a store my

life! nor do i even know what that means!


If any of these offend you these are just my opinion (and lots of other peoples FYI!) i didn't mean to offend anybody but these are all true! don't be afraid to admit you have writer's block! oh and p.s i really dont care if my grammer is incorrect!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2013 ⏰

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