Death is my BFF: Feelingz 4 Lyfe (Competition entry)

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Death is my BFF: Feelingz 4 Lyfe (Competition entry)

Okay, so here’s my shot at the competition. It isn’t up to the standards of @katrocks246 or something I’m really proud of… I’m not even sure it makes much sense but hopefully Kat can edit it to her standards if she likes it. Here goes nothing :) …except perhaps a piece of my dignity.



No? Was she born to be the bane of my existence?

Yes, yes she was.

“It wasn’t a request, Faith.” My words dragged out, slow and low. As always, she just has to test my patience. “You will feed and you will feed now. Get used to what you are, little reaper.

“You want me to feed? Fine.”

I turned to look at her, examining her face. She was giving in already? Good, I’m too tired for her shit right now.

She stood there, hands on those dainty little hips with a fixed face. “Where’s your phone?”

Cute. Her impatient demands are so cute they make me want to tie her to the coffee table in front of me and slice her open like the little cupcake she is.

With one last look, I turned back. Putting my feet up on the table and crossing my arms behind my head, pointedly ignoring her. Unfortunately, the pure muscle of my legs caused a little slam on the table, dropping the phone out of its receiver, giving it away.

“For an Angel of Death that’s over a hundred years old, you’re such a child,” she muttered under her breath as she stomped over, leaning across me to reach for the phone.

“Wouldn’t that make you a paedophile?” I mused, my lips quirking up to a lazy smile.

“What?” Faith blurted out, horrified. “I’m pretty sure you’re the paedophile here. Marrying a little girl, Blanky? Watching her while she’s half naked, making up any excuse to barge into her showers?” She was still slanting over me, her horror rapidly replaced by humour.

My body stiffened only for a moment as she brought up old memories, recovering quickly since there is no way she’ll ever get one up on me.

“You’re right,” I started, leaning towards her. “I don’t need to make excuses, it’s clear that you enjoy our little bathroom sessions. What is it with you and bathrooms?”

I let my breath fan her, watching her swallow as she clearly remembered all the encounters we’d had, feeling my own eyes darkening.

“You’d better feed now,” my voice came out gutturally low. “Before it’s my turn to feed.”

Her eyes snapped open, taking in the meaning of my words combined with my aura. Faith took the phone, dialling a number before speaking.


The little smartass was ordering pizza.

I kept my face oblivious, if she wanted to play games, games we would play. In the end, I always get my way.

It didn’t take long for the pizza to arrive, when it did, Faith got up to get it.

“Invite ‘em in, will you? I’m getting peckish myself,” I called.

When there was silence, a frown worked itself onto my face. I looked towards the idiot, what the hell was she doing gaping at the delivery boy?

Obviously taking her astonishment as some sort of praise, the kid stepped forward, handing the pizza to her as he grinned.

Death is my BFF: Feelingz 4 Lyfe (Competition entry)Where stories live. Discover now