I belong here

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Later that night we all sat on the couch watching tv, I was cuddled up with Niall and Harry, they are definitely my favourite of the family.

Ya that's right I called it my family. I now have a real loving and happy family.

''I'm going to go cook dinner'' Harry said getting up. Soon Louis took his place beside me. He cuddled up beside me making a human wall of warmth all around me. I smiled to myself, I've only been here one day and I'm the happiest person ever. I didn't notice Liam left until he came back with a glass of water. As he walked passed the couch that me, Niall, and Louis were siting on he tripped. Just my luck. The water came towards me, I felt the cold wetness on my skin. I jumped up and ran to my room closing and locking the door behind me. I quickly ran into the bathroom and did the same thing.

I felt onto the floor almost doing a face plant as my tail appeared. I looked behind me to see my turquoise sparkling tail. I smile at its beauty. Only some mermaids have sparkling tails. It means that you can have way more powers than any other mermaid. There only 4 mermaids in the world that have a sparkling tail and I'm glad to be one of them. I held my fist above my tail to heat it up. The water evaporated and my tail dried and disappeared. I smiled but soon frowned when I notice the banging on my bedroom door.

''Emily, Em I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you wet. Please come out.'' Liam shouted. I got up and walked out into my room. I unlocked the door and Liam fell in and room doing face plant on my hard wood floor. Ouch.

''Having fun?'' I asked him while laughing. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. ''Sorry I just came up to dry off'' I lied. He got up off the floor and took my hand. ''How did you dry so fast'' he asked, that's when I noticed he was being serious and not just joking around. ''I just used a towel, how else would I dry off?'' I gave a nervous laugh. He looked at me funny but shrugged it off. He took my hand and pulled me down stairs.

''See I told you she wasn't melting because I got water on her'' Liam said to the other boys.'ya I did grow a tail' I thought laughing at them all, they all started laughing with me. Soon the laughing turned into a tickle fight. Don't ask me how because I have no idea. But Harry was on top on Louis tickling him, Niall and Liam were tickling me and Zayn.

''Stop. Please stop, your killing me. Stop!'' I scream. The tickling suddenly stops. I look up to see that Harry has tackled Niall to the floor. I laughed at the sight of Harry on top of Niall. I got up and ran before I was tickled again.

''Get her!'' I hear Zayn yell. Thanks Zayn, now I'm screwed. I started running up the stairs as fast as I could but they were faster. Right as I reached my room I grabbed the door handle only to be ripped away from the door.

''NOOOOO'' I scream really loud. I hear a bunch of ouch's comes from the boys. I laugh at them, I screamed once again really loud and whoever was holding me let go. I instantly ran for it. Into my room and out onto the balcony. I turned around and saw all the boys standing in the doorway of the balcony. I smiled at them and turned around to see the view. This way the first time I noticed this but, There was a beach in our back yard! The sand looks cool in the moon light. The water looks..... Amazing. There no other way to explain it. All I wanted to do was just jump off the balcony and run into the water. But I knew I couldn't do that. Not now anyways, Ill have to wait until the boys are asleep so I can sneak out and go for a swim.

''I'm going to take a bath and then to bed'' I said tiredly. They all nodded and left my room. I smiled to myself and jumped off the balcony landing perfectly in the sand. I was only 2 story's high so it's was quite easy. I smiled as I ran to the water. Diving in when I got deep enough. My tail formed after 10 seconds and I swam around exploring the new water I had just found in my back yard.

There was a huge doc about 15 feet from the house. I decided I was going to go deeper into the water. The farther I went into the water I started to realize that it was no lake that I was swimming in, it was an ocean! I passed sharks and dolphins, an lots of tropical kinds of fish.

That's when I saw it. An underwater cave. Me being me, I decided to explore it. Going under it the rock wall surrounded me, when I came up I saw pool inside a cave. It was so cool. I felt like I could be myself here, my mermaid self. I didn't have to hide it or run from it anymore.

I belong here.

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