Let me express

140 20 6

I'm tired of everyone trying to make me perfect because it won't work I left because of all of that and then next thing you know I come back and everyone is like oh no Hayes I missed ha bish please Ik you didn't miss me so stop diss me like damn can you guys just leave me alone for one fucken minute without blowing up my freaking inbox let me answer that no you can not and I'm so tired of people texting me on kik and stuff like oh Hayes can you tell nash this and that like can't you tell him cause tbh idc about whatever you have to say and I'm so tired of everybody like I'm sorry but I like nash better than you ok well bish you can leave me the fuck alone like I said bish I don't care like so and I'm so tired of this one bish she gets on my nerves like she says sorry and I say it's ok bish no it's not ok ik I'll never be perfect so stop trying ok and if you like nash so much tell him ok also I know that my friends say that they care about me just because I'm nash's little brother makes even madder than I already am I know I'm not like him I know you guys love him more but you don't have tell me that every day I seem happy but really I'm not happy I try to be happy but it never works it always fails so I hope you guys are happy everyone cares about nash more than they care about me cause I'm just some boy that no one loves or cares about well guess what I do care about what you guys say about me I go through enough already than what is going on I'm depressed everyday but no one knows it because I build up all of my feelings and I wrote this because these are my true feelings I'm telling you guys right now because I took all of this courage I never had and shared it heck I locked myself in a room for this while crying but no one cares and guess what I guess i'll never be the real me after this because if you guys cared you would ask me if I was fine every day I've been through depression for 6 months .

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