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They say

Faith is a fool's errand.
Your worship is worthless
and just words on a page.

They say

Religion is meaningless.
Your foundation is rooted in abounding renditions,
and centuries of Scriptures are reduced to ashes.

They say

Truth is relative.
Morality is for the weak, the sheep.
Only success decides progression.

They say

Proof is power.
Your belief is too intangible,
Christ is too complicated to be contemplated.

They say

Simplicity is safety.
Our knowledge is complete,
Our facts are straight and plain-
there's no room for Deity in our simplicity.

And yet,

I've seen those victimized, beaten, shunned, or starved,
when shame overwhelms the addict, murderer, or saint.
Only believers give the comfort and aide they crave,
and only the faithful ready themselves to pay any cost-
even when their accusers cry into the night.

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