How you met

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You'd been a fan of Zach's ever since August 22, 2014. Ever since he did his first broadcast and had mop like hair. He grew cuter with every passing year, until finally you couldn't take it anymore. Since your family was in Austin for a vacation, you announced that it was your life goal to meet Zach. All your family thought you were crazy, well, except your mom. She was on board with the whole hunting down aspect.

"If we can predict where he is," your mom said. "Then we will have a chance."

That night, as you were curled up in your bed at the hotel, you did something you'd never thought of doing. Since you'd always been shy and scared to do most stuff, this would hopefully be a step in the right direction. You got on Instagram and pulled up your direct messages. Glancing at the time, you realized it was only eight o'clock. Zach was probably broadcasting or something, but the hotel wifi was so shitty you couldn't watch. 

Taking a deep breath, you typed a short message and sent it to Zach. Locking your phone, you went to sleep without any farther questions. All through the night, all you could think about was that stupid message. The message that meant nothing. The message that Zach would never see in a million years.

You woke up in the morning before everyone else. You yawned quietly and grabbed your phone, pulling up Instagram. What you say as you opened your direct messages made you want to scream. Knowing that your family was still asleep, you quickly scribbled a note about going to breakfast and scurried out and practically ran for the elevators. Pressing your lips together, you opened up the chat in your DM

You: Hey, Zach. You'll probably never read this and I don't blame you. Thanks for making me smile everyday

Zach: Aww stinky. Of course I'll read your messages 😄

You: OMG I never thought this would happen I'm crying ohmygosh

You held the phone close to your chest, waiting to see if Zach would respond yet again. Sure enough, when you pulled your phone away there was another message.

Zach: Ha ha. I try to notice everyone but there's so many people begging for attention

You: I'm just really shocked. This may sound way weird, but are you traveling today?

Zach: Nah, nothing for this week. Why? You in town or something ;)

You sucked in a breath, trying your best not to scream. You quickly typed out that you were in Austin for vacation and he asked where you were staying. You messaged him back your hotel and ran back to your room, grabbing an apple from the breakfast buffet. 

"Mom!" you screeched, running in the room. "I'm meeting Zach!" 

"Y/N! That's fantastic!" she said. "Then get ready."

Sure enough, you got ready and raced to the lobby again. You stood at the front doors, waiting for that familiar face. This all seemed to good to be true. You were meeting Zach Clayton, right here, right now. 

You scanned the parking lot, and a car drove up. Glancing in the window, you could see Zach driving and his mother, Apryll in the passenger seat. Still had that permit. Zach jumped out the car and walked up. You felt your eyes start to water up, this was actually happening. You introduced yourself and you and Zach had a long conversation. You both walked into the hotel and sat on a couch, where you talked for the rest of the morning. You knew this was the start of something special, you could just feel it. Something special, starting with the Younow start Zachary Clayton.


A/N: Sorry if that totally sucked. I just wanted to get something down really quickly, so this wasn't so great. He he, sorry. I don't know if I mentioned this, but if you want to comment a request I will try to do all of them but if I get too many I can't do all, obviously. So, thanks for reading this, I hope y'all enjoy it more than I do.



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