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fangirls are so much more

were not just energetic happy girls

our ships sink and our hearts soar

and when with our fanficts our hearts swirl

we cried when he died

and yelled when they kissed

were shocked when they lied

this was something we couldnt miss

the thrill of the adventure

the loss that comes with

as they jouney they venture

most people say their myths

were with them every step of the way

feeling thier pain feeling thier loss

we celebrete their victorys

and love them all through their cause

you need to understand too us its more then fiction

we love them like their real because too us they are

their storys their lives its like an addiction

there not just storys there our lives and we get their scars

so ask me again what a fan girl is

shes the girl who expirences the life of another

that tingle of excitement you know that small fizz

too her there real

so never assume a fan girl is happy

she knows more sadness and pain then you'll ever know

all because she chooses too bare it all for another

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