Calum Hood

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Hey guys, this is another one for my best friend, in honor of April Fools day! If you guys want you can send me request or something!!

April Fools day was one of you Calum's favorite days,  you two have been pranking each other for as long you can remember. You woke up an hour before Cal usually does so you could set everything up. You slowly got out bed, careful not to wake your sleeping boyfriend. You made your way down stairs to get the package of styrofoam cups and began filling the up with water one by one. You made your way upstairs and started placing the cups in front of your's and Calum's bedroom door. Making sure to bring them out far enough that he's trapped. After setting up your first gag, you decided to work on your next.  You headed towards the bathroom and found Cal's toothpaste, you emptied the last bit of tooth paste and filled the tube with mayonnaise.  "Ew mayo morning breath" You giggled to yourself. 

You went to the living room and played around on your laptop until Calum woke up. "Son of a bitch, y/n!!" You heard Calum yell, you quickly ran up stairs and stopped in front of the cups of water. You smiled as your frustrated boyfriend stood trapped in his own bedroom. "Okay ha-ha, now can you help me out here?" He asked, pointing towards the floor. "That's no fun, figure it out yourself." You laughed. You watched as Calum started picking up cups and moving them back and forth trying to get himself out if this mess, he eventually got himself out and headed to the bathroom. A smirk crept upon your face as you knew what was about to happen.  You heard Cal yell in disgust , and the only thing you could do was laugh. Calum opened the bathroom door and shot you a 'i hate but at the same time i love you' look. 

You noticed something on the coffee table, it was a cup that said 'don't open unless you plan on killing it' you laughed at how amateur the was. "Oh no, Cal, you got me" you said sarcastically moving the cup, only to reveal a very real looking spider. You let out massive scream and Calum came running to you. "I can't you read?" he said in a cocky tone, pucking up the fake spider and throwing it on you making you jump. "You're a jerk." You said, not able to stay angry at your adorable squish of a boyfriend. 

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