=^.^=CHAPTER 2=^.^=

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"Passengers please fasten your seat belts we are about to land,"one of the air hostesses said calmly .I suddenly started to feeling butterflies in my stomach, the kind you feel when you're terrified, scared and excited. As the plane disembarked I felt more anxious and afraid.

I collected all my luggage and belongings. I walked over to the arrivals and saw two people holding a sign with my name written in a purple highlighter on it. Mom. Dad.

"We missed you so much little nugget! Come here you !"my Mom exclaimed and pulled me into a hug."Honey I'd like to greet our daughter as well ," my dad chipped in. My Mom giggled and let go of me. My Dad pulled me into a hug. He pulls away after a few seconds and asked,"How about some coffee ?"with that my mom handed me a travel mug filled with coffee in it I checked the mug and saw it came from Seattle Coffee Co. (a/n YUM) I took a sip of the coffee flavoured goodness. Oh my this stuff is amazing ... "Thank you Mom and Dad."

We walked to the car lot. When we got to the car my dad insisted that he was fully capable of handling my luggage and said that I should get in the car with my mom.

When my dad was finished packing he got into the car and we started the drive home ."Nugget you are going to love your new home .We decorated your room and designed all the furniture and decor in it. We really hope you love it !" my Mom said excited."I'm really excited about it, I'll probably love it,"I said and looked over to my parents tiredly.My eyes started to fall closed and I drifted of to sleep in the car .

~~~~Le time skip brought to you by Adriens poses~~~~

I opened my eyes to find a foreign sight before me. I'm on a bed I looked forward to see a fully furnished room. Puzzled I walk toward a table in the room. A note from my parents .


Our boss, Mr. Agreste called an emergency meeting and we were obligated to attend. Sorry sweetie we didn't wake you you looked so at peace. We left some money under your pillow for you .

We love you
Mom & Dad

I sighed and flopped down on my daybed looking out of my ginormous window. 'This is it ,my new start ,my new beginning' I thought to myself with a smile on my face.

I decided that a bit of fresh air was much needed so I got out my sketch book and wrote on a sticky note to my parents saying where I was going in case they got home  before me .

###time jump(small one '-')###

The park wasn't too far the walk. I sat down on one of the park benches and took out my sketch pad.I decided to draw a black kitten . As soon as I tried to colour the eyes of the kitten I felt someone tap on my shoulder ...

(a/n don't tell me I'm mean ... I know I am ... *hehe he hehe* so how was chapter 2 ??{SHORT!!} I am I improving if not comment (be polite tho ...) and please tell me who you want to ship ... should LB and Volpina be in the book ? ... =^.^=  )⚠

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