♡Six Months♡

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Six Months💜
Gosh were has the time gone
1st of April 2016 marks
Six months without are sweet Caleb👼🏻.
And Half a year
Today is also April fools I bet Caleb is playing pranks in caleblandia
And having fun
And playing baseball with David
And playing with toshi , Linxs and Little Riley.
Its really hard to go everyday knowing he is not on earth but in the sky
But at least he gets to be with David who he has missed a lot.
Still can't believe it's true.
I still want to wake up from this horrible nightmare , and everything to be the way it was
Being able to see your smile and hear your laugh
But I guess I am just going to be able to see you in videos of the past
Miss you Caleb more and more each day
I can't wait till I get to go to caleblandia
But I guess I am going to have to wait a while
6 months without your smile
6 months without your voice
6 months without your laugh
6 months without your humour
6 months without you messing around
6months without your messy but cute hair
6 months without your happiness
6 months without your sweetness
6 months without your funniness
6 months without your silliness
6 months without your cuteness
6 months without your quirkiness
6 months without your awkwardness
6 months without you ,
Caleb Logan Leblanc
Forever in my heart💜😘🆑

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