Chapter Eight: Overwhelmed

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I ran to my room and shut the door. I jumped on the bed and screamed into the pillow.

When I finally calmed down, I lifted my head and noticed the mascara stain on the pillow case. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I couldn't believe this. Courteney and Matthew?! Hooking up?! In a relationship?! It was too overwhelming. But I forced myself to calm down.

Of course this is the greatest thing ever, Courteney and Matthew, together, at long last. I was ecstatic, euphoric, and of course speechless.

I told myself to breathe multiple times.

After I was sure i was calm, I walked to the bathroom to take off my makeup. I was no longer crying, but my eyes were still glassy and pink.

Courteney stood in the doorway.

"Hey," she started, "So you had a good time?"

"Yeah of course," I smiled lightly, not looking at her. I didnt want to cry again. I didnt want her to think i was some crazed-obsessed fan. Of course I was one, but I couldn't let her know that; I did NOT want to ruin this. I took a deep breath. "David's great, and I can't get enough of Coco."

"You guys are like sisters," she laughed lightly. I smiled in response.

"So, you want to watch a movie or something?" She perked up.

"Oh I wish I could," I lied, still looking at my reflection in the mirror, "but I am so tired from today. Im gonna hit the sack. What about tomorrow? We could stay in and have a movie marathon!"

"Sounds like a plan," she replied. "Awesome!" I grinned, "okay well im off, goodnight." I near pushed past her and sniffled softly on the way out.

I stopped in the hallway and turned around.

I looked at Courteney; she seemed confused, probably by how red and teary i was.

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed. I rested my head on her shoulder and sniffled. "Goodnight," I grinned, and left for my room.

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