Chapter 2

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Levy twiddled her thumbs as the car drove silently. She looked up to see the mans eyes glued to the road. "My name is levy." She decided to break the silence as the rain closed to a stop. He looked back at her and looked surprised. "I'm Gajeel. I'm actually staying at the next town." He looked back at the road and swirved to the side suddenly, startling levy. She looked outside the window and saw a deer carcass surrounded by vultures. "Damn deers need to stop dying on the god damn road." Gajeel cursed under his breath. Levy chuckled a bit and stared out the window. Her eyes lit up when she saw the town sign. Gajeel stared at her through the rear view window and smiled warmly. She looked so happy, he actually made someone happy. Gajeel smiled as he kept driving. He was running away from his past. A past of making people frown at his presence. Gajeel shook his head as he turned into the town and parked behind a building.

Levy followed Gajeel, having her hand in his large one. She wondered how old Gajeel was. He had to be at least 30, is that weird? A 30 year old man taking a 25 year old girl somewhere? Hell, levy actually looked 17 or 19. Levy struggled to keep up as the area was densely packed with people. She noticed they were walking through a huge crowd of shoppers. Levys mouth watered at the smell of warm bread being cooked. Gajeel yanked her and she stumbled towards him. "Up the stairs."Gajeel got behind her somehow and pushed her up. He unlocked a door and locked it behind them. "I rented this place. If you'd like you can stay here." He smiled as he took her bag and hung it up. Levy nodded and took her headband off and re did it as Gajeel walked into the kitchen. Levy layer on the couch and held the pillow to her chest. "I'm safe..." She whispered before smiling and kicking her legs and squealing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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