Becoming the Demon I am

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Ok so this is the first book that I have ever written and I am a RELLY bad speller. Other than that I hope you like my book.


Catness's POV

I can't believe I have been living with dragons for the last 6 years. Well I guess I should start from the beginning. When it was my twin sister's, Yamada, and my 5th birthday we had the best day of all time. Although that ended that night for me. Our mom said that she has going to get something from her room so we waited for 30 min so I went to her room and that is when... the site was so shocking. As my father tore the sword out of our mom I realized that he was smiling at me.

~~~~~~~~ Time skip to the morning after the death of my mom~~~~~~~~

The guards found my mom dead in her room the next morning. Me and my 5 older brothers, 2 older sisters, twin sister, little sister, and my father all went to her funeral. Yamada was balling like a baby. Same with my little sister.


Sorry that this part is so sort but I thaught that this was a good spot to stop.

(Creepypasta) Cattness the swordswomenWhere stories live. Discover now