[1] No offence but who are you?

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My life is so boring. I'm literally that one kid at school that sits in the corner of the room during lunch by themselves, and I still have yet to find my soul mate. There's a condition that some people have around the world that helps them find their soul mate. I'm one of the few people who has this. If they get some kind of minor injury like a small scratch or something like that, the other person would get the same scratch in the same spot.

Then one day a guy hobbled over to my table and sat down. It was kind of awkward, but he looked like he was just determined to have a conversation with me

He had on a some-what tight fitting blue shirt with pixelated designs on it that showed off his figure. The guy also had on black skinny jeans and off brand vans. His hair looked like a black dyed fringy mess, which actually suited him weirdly enough.

"Hi, Dan!" The guy said.

I blinked a few times. He knows my name? What? I don't talk to anyone in this school because I start stuttering and they end up thinking something's wrong with me. It's not my fault I get so nervous around people. There are others like that who go here but they have tons of friends! Why am I the one who always gets left out?

"Uhm... No offence but who are you?" I said and raised an eyebrow. No stuttering so far, thank God.

"I'm Phil Lester! I'm kind of new here at this school. You're in pretty much all my classes and we're in the same grade... I think. Year eleven (senior year) right?"

I nodded and returned to looking down at my lunch. I've never even seen this kid before and he's just going to sit at my table and start talking to me? Okay, lets see where this leads to.

"Yeah, fourth year. I'm going to law school afterwards." I answered.

"I'm planning to go to college for things like writing and stuff like that. You know? Literature."

I nodded.

Taking out my phone from the back pocket of my black skinny jeans, I checked the time. Ten minutes left. I was kind of pleased to see there was still ten minutes left, it meant that I had time to talk to Phil. I usually dreaded lunch since - as I said before - no one sits here with me. My other 'friends' have lunch one class before me.

"Hey uh... Ph-Phil would you want to hang out with me after school? I don't have anything to do or anywhere i-important to go." Oh no... The stuttering... But please say yes!

Phil shrugged his shoulders and smiled brightly. "Why not!" He answered.

All I said was "Awesome!" But on the inside I was like 'Yes a friEND FINALLY' I think he may have noticed that a small spark went off in my head because he kind of blushed I guess you could say.

"Where are we gonna meet up at?" Phil asked as he began eating his half eaten granola bar.

I honestly thought about this if I was ever in a situation like this, so I knew what to say. And I wasn't going to stutter this time.

"There's a tree at the side of the school that no one really hangs out at. I guess we could meet up there, there's a lot of shade so we can get out of the sun and talk for a little while if you want to."

Phil nodded, "Okay! It's a date!"

My eyes darted up to Phil's. Date? I just wanted to hang out and make a friend since he seemed like a cool guy. He think this is going to be a date? Maybe that's just what people say when they make plans... Now that I think about it, he probably just meant that it was a plan. Dammit Dan why do you panic at the smallest things?

"Oh before I forget!" Phil said as he took out a sharpie and grabbed my hand. "You'll probably need my number. As I said, I'm new here so I don't really know how to get around the school and you might have to find me." He laughed and began writing his cell number down on my right hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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