The Debut Fight Nov. 19th 2007

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Taking place in the throne room of Maximus

Maximus: -sits on my throne waiting for someone to stand up to me- Really you weak bastards show me some one who can actually stand up to me I want someone who can really put up a fight! -blasts the Archangel with Hell's fire-

Archangel: God dammit!!!!!!!!!!! -coughs up blood as I fall over-

Kadan: -walks in and eyes Maximus- You want a challenge try me instead of these rookies

Maximus: Seems we got a newbie who thinks her ass is a bad one -stands up calmly and fires a Kamehame wave with thirteen times the strength of Goku-

Kadan: -leaps over it and winks at Max- That the best ya can do -Axe kicks maximus to the ground-
Maximus: -blocks the kick and throws Kadan against the wall and sends her through it with another kame hame ha- Pittyful bar skank

Kadan: -vanishes and explodes from Maximus' chest as I stab a sword through his face while I wretch and pull the sword and his brains out-


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