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Eliza                                                   Race: Kai (dog verson of a Neko)

Gender: Female

Personality: cries in secret, keeps to herself, lonely, doesn't trust easy, suicidle thoughts, longs for freedom

Bio:Eliza is always abused by her owner, Shadow. he loves making her suffer and would starve and beat her. Eliza has tred many times to escape his grasp but always failed. she was brutelly punished for every attempt and locked in the dark basement till morning, if she's lucky that is. her hope of freedom was fading fast till one day a stray wondered into the yard. The stray wtnessed Eiza getting beat in the backyard and ran to her rescue. this stray was actually another Kai. he turned human and threatned Shadow. Max, the male Kai, took Eliza away from Shadow and from that day forward she was finally free.... for a while.

Family: none

Owner: Shadow

Pets: None

Abilites: can speak when in dog form and can turn human at will.

Hobbies: singing alone. 

My Many ChractersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora