Chapter 1

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Mark looks at the lush garden ahead. The roses dancing with the wind, swinging back and forth in their joyous dance. The leaves rustling and whispering as the wind continues its ball. The moon watching it all from the sky, shining bright as if waiting for something formidable.

Mark noticed it all. It was like a habit to take notice of everything around. He was a ruler and along with responsibilities came a constant threat to his life. He was not paranoid, just careful. A little sound was heard from behind a tree. Antony waited for another to come but it never did.

"Show yourself! I know you are there." He yelled taking out his sword as he moved towards the tree. Upon reaching there, he swiftly defended himself from the attack that came from the person behind the tree. He reached forward and grabbed the hand that held the sword and dragged his attacker from behind the tree.

It wasn't someone he expected to see, instead there stood a handsome woman dressed in all white and covered in gold from head to bust. Her captivating eyes, full ruby luscious lips, tainted cheeks, everything was so alluring and ravishing. He had been with many women but no one compared to her, he never felt so attracted to anyone.

"I command you to let go of my hand." The woman said with a power in her voice.

"And who might be the one commanding me?" He countered.

"I am Cleopatra, daughter of Plotemy XII Auletes, pharaoh of Egypt." She said proudly.

This was no ordinary woman, she was the daughter of Egyptian pharaoh and soon to be the wife of his friend, Julius.

"Forgive me, My lady for my ill treatment towards you but that was only because I thought you were here to harm me. I am Mark Antony, a friend of Julius and I am here to attend your matrimony." Mark explained.

"Mark Antony, I have heard a lot about you. I accept your apology." Mark took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"Would you mind taking a little walk with me, My lady?" Mark said, extending his hand towards her which she gracefully accepted.

They began their walk, not saying a word. Mark was happy in her presence. It was quite unusual for him to be happy because of a woman.

"What do you think about the moon, Mark?" It was bold of Cleopatra to call him by his first name. No woman called a man by his name unless they had a relation. But Cleopatra was not any woman.

"The moon is a secretive trickster. It tricks people with its beauty but never stays for a long time. As you start admiring it, it starts disappearing with each night and when you think it is finally gone, it comes back to confuse you."Mark said, looking at the moon.

Cleopatra stared at him for a long time before she spoke. "I have never met a man like you. You think so deeply about these little things and this reflects your wisdom. To many men moon is nothing but a source of light at night but you spoke so passionately about it that for a moment I wished that I was the moon."

"My lady, I am an orator and speaking passionately comes naturally to me but speaking about you would come directly from my heart." He confessed.

"Then why don't you speak about me?" She whispered.

"If I did then, I don't know what would be the outcome."

"I want to hear it."

"Cleopatra, your beauty is a poem devoid of words because it creates words of its own. Your eyes entice me, I want to stare at them for eternity. When the moonlight hits your face, you look like a Goddess who descended on this Earth to give me a look of Heaven. The gold looks nothing in comparison to this face. And your lips, they look so ravishing, I want to have a taste of them. I would not say anything else because if I do, I would never stop"

Even if Cleopatra was quiet, her eyes said everything. She also felt what Mark was feeling.

"I must go." She said more to herself.

"You don't have to."

"I am marrying Julius tomorrow and we both know, we will betray him if I stay even for a moment." Her words were forced.

"Marry me."Mark said and her eyes snapped to him. "I know you don't love him but you feel something for me. We can elope. We will go to a place where Julius would never find us. I will take care of you and protect you till my last breath. I love you, Cleopatra."

Then he felt like the time has stopped when Cleopatra kissed him. The whispering leaves were quiet ,the dancing wind has stopped. The moon shined brighter as if this was the moment it was waiting for.

"Yes" She whispered and ran away.

Mark smiled. The feeling of love casted a spell on him and now, he could only see one woman. He waited for her to come back.

But what he did not know was that this rendezvous with Cleopatra will change his life and him forever.


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