Chapter 5

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Brutus walked up to the pedestal where he was supposed to eulogise Julius. He did not take Julius inside where it was all planned to start but he jumped directly to the end. The Romans were thrilled to see their ideal, Julius Caesar.

"Romans, countrymen, and lovers!

Today, I would speak in place of Julius Caesar."Julius gave Brutus a questioning look but Brutus returned a reassuring smile.

"A few days back, it was brought to my attention by Mark Antony, an honourable man that Julius, whom we all trust more than anyone to keep intact our ideals of liberty and freedom, wanted to take them away from us. Julius wanted to become the sole dictator of Rome."

An uproar rose in the crowd.

"Hear me patiently, my fellow countrymen."Brutus continued.

"It was hard for me to believe that Julius had become ambitious but then who would not want more power after having a little taste of it? Power is seducing, enchanting that lures a man and could even make him forget his most precious values.

When the poor had cried Caesar had wept,

Caesar had filled the treasury of Rome,

He had won uncountable battles for Rome but never boasted about his greatness.

Does this make Caesar ambitious?

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.

He was presented the kingly crown thrice which he refused every single time.

Does that make him ambitious?

Ambitious enough to die today in front of all the Romans?

For if you believe him to be ambitious then send him inside and let him be killed at the hands of the Republic. They are ready with their sharpened knives to end Caesar's life, send him in if you agree with the Republic and let them complete the task for which they have assembled here."

There was a deafening silence even in the presence of hundreds. The truth hung heavily in the air and Brutus knew his words had made an impact that he desired because the features of every single man twisted in fury. Julius looked stunned too.

The surprised yet angry crowd came to life. Men stormed inside to kill the ones who were meant to kill Julius today.

Destiny did not plan for Brutus to be the knight in shining armour but he was moved by a few words of love and trust. Destiny also did not plan for Antony to become the lion in sheep's skin but his loyalty was tarnished by his attraction towards a woman. Who can control the events of one's life, even a single second is enough to change the plans of the future...

The JudasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora