Chapter 1: First Meeting

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Narrator P.O.V: Just an ordinary day at your house doing stuff you usually do and then you look up black butler Spells. Because you were bored and then you do the spell and didn't read the side effects thinking this won't work I bet. A few minutes later after doing the spell you fall asleep. And you hear three male voices near you and you open your eyes and stands by you is three most recognizable people. Sebastion Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, and Grell Sutcliff. They came up to you and Sebastion asked "Are you ok madam?" You stayed quiet and nodded your head. "What's is your name miss?" Ciel says. "(Y/N) is my name." You Respond. You get up and look around you. "This can't be real." You look at them. "Its real indeed malady. You must of been asleep for awhile and forgot this was real life..." Grell snickers. "No, its not that... I'm from the future and I came here because I used a spell and you all aren't real you all are just characters from a anime. This can't be!" You take a deep breath and just freak out. "Madam you must of been hearing too many fairy tails because that's not possible..." He points at a mirror and tells you to look in it. You walk to the mirror and look and you see that you are wearing an 1800 dress and scream. Grell covers his ears and walks out of the room. Sebastion walks towards you can grabs your shoulder. "Madam... I honestly don't believe that your from the future..." He looks at you will a glare. "UGH!!" You get your shoulder out of his hand and run outside crying. And then as you didn't notice you ran into someone. "AHH!" The person screamed and you both fall onto the ground with you on top. "Oh I'm so sorry..." You said and you look at the person your on and notice that's your favorite character Finnian. You blush badly and try to get up. Finnian helps you and says. "Names Finnian, what's yours?" He whipes the dirt off his clothes. "(Y/N) thank you for helping me... " You blush super bad. "No problem, you OK?? You look red!" He feels your head with the back of his hand. "Yea I'm fine Its just your to hot... I mean its hot right here... I MEAN ITS HOT OUT HERE!!!" You blush so much you look like a tomato. He laughs and blushes lightly. "You can't resist the Finnian can you?" He says with a smirk. "I could... Your cute... I MEAN OK!!!" You cover your face with embarrassment. "Haha... Your fine... If you think I'm cute and hot I'm fine with it..." He puts your hands down from your face. You look at him and half smile. "Hey... Um (Y/N) shouldn't you be dating someone royal as you and not crushing on a farmer like me..." He frowns. "No! I'm not royal like Ciel! I'm an ordinary girl... With no one to care for..." You put your head down. He holds your hand and lifts you head up. "Either way, your beautiful." He looks at you and smiles. "Uh... Thanks I guess but... I should be go..." He stops you with a kiss on the lips. You blush badly and you can feel his hands go to your waist. You try not to fangirl so you stay still. He stops and hugs you.

(Sorry Guys Thats All For Now!! Chapter 2 Is Coming Don't You Worry!!! I Love Ya Guys ^^)

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