Chapter 10.

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  Wybie woke up the next morning. He got up out of Coraline's Big bed. He stood up and walked to a mere and fixed his hoodie. He didn't even bother to fix his hair.

  He soon realized that he was still in the other world.
"Oh god!" He said quietly
Just as Wybie said that The other mother opened the door slightly.
"Morning honey lumps." She said.

She was holding a nice big plate of bacon.
"Good morning."
Wybie said.
"But, I do think I should be heading home." Wybie added.
"No no no. Why would you want to do that? Don't you like like it here?" She stated. She put the plate on the dresser.
"Kinda... I like home better..." Wybie said
As he picked up a piece of bacon.
"What was that?" The Other mother asked using a mock sweet tone.
"I like Home better." Wybie said.
"You have to the Count of 10 to change your mind" The other mother said.
he put his hands up defensively.
"No, no. Listen, the only reason I like the real world better is because I don't know you that well." Wybie blurted out just as she said one.
"Ok. Understandable." She said leaving the room.



Coraline Squinted her eyes at the brightness of the morning light. And looked over to check her phone. She saw that it was 11:20 AM. Later than she normally slap. She wiped her big brown eyes with the back of her hand. Lots of messages. Some from old friends and, one from her mom saying she was going out grocery shopping with her dad. But, none from Wybie. That was a bit strange. Normally, if Coraline was up this late she would have at least 15 from him. But, not a single messed text or phone call.

Coraline got ready for her day. She grabbed a blue brush that was the same shade as her hair and brushed out her hair. She put on a light purple top and black skinny jeans with the Red Sox. And little black ankle boots.

After getting ready Coraline tried to call Wybie's sell phone. It rang five times then went to his answering machine. She hung up. Frustrated. She decided to call his grandmothers. But again, no answer.

Coraline whom, by this time was very frustrated with her friend decided to go to his grandmothers looking for him. Just as she opened the door she go ta shocking surprise.

A young girl, much smaller then Coraline was standing at the door with her hands clasped. The girl had long black hair that went to her belly button. It was covering most of her face too. Her eye's were a sparkling black. And her skin was a glowing pale white. She looked to be a very petite and fragile girl. Coraline noticed that the little girl was shaking. She also thought that this girl could be no older than 10 years old. The girl looked Coraline in the eyes with her sparkling black ones.
"Are you. Coraline Jones?" The petite girl said in a soft soprano voice.
"That's me." Coraline said a little bit confused.
"Mrs. Lovat sent me." She stated.
"May I come in?" The girl asked.

My twitchy witchey girl. (A Coraline fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now