chapter 5

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I wake up at one thirty. I know it was late and my date was in thirty minutes but I didn't get enough sleep throughout the week. So I'm innocent. So I got out of bed and chose one of shirt and put on some skinny jeans and wore some toms. I then curled my hair and went to join the rest who were in the front lounge eating cereal.

"Why are you so dressed up" asked kellin

"I have plans with a friend" I said

"wait you have other friends" asked Justin

"yes I do"I respond

" so is it like a date" katelynne asked

"yeah"I said

"you know what I have the thing just right for you to wear" said Lindsey going into the bunks and bringing out a floral patterned dress

"oh I have some flats to go with that" said katelynne going into the bunks and bringing out some pink flats with a bow. So I went to change into what they gave me it looks like I'm trying. So I went to join the others. When katelynne and Lindsey saw me they began whispering to each other.

"you're make up. we need to fix it" said katelynne

"what's wrong with it I wear it like this everyday"I said

"exactly" said Lindsey

so they took me to the back lounge and did my make up. When we all went in the front lounge Pete was there talking to kellin.

"How much do you have on you" Kellin asked him

"100 dollars" said Pete

"OK that's good its enough to take her out without getting a hotel room" kellin said we all started laughing

"what are your intentions with my sister" kellin asked

"well to take her out and get to know her and bring her back safely just as she got here"

"Not good enough" kellin said loudly

"fine to take her out and eventually marry her and support our family with the job I have now" said Pete nervously

"that's better have fun you two" said kellin getting up and walking me and pete to the door.

"Have fun you two"He said opening the door and me and Pete walked out. Kellin then closed the door slowly Pete opened his mouth to say something "wait" I told him and Kellin opened the door to say bye again. 

"Should we go now?"Pete asked.

"No wait" I said and Kellin opened the door again to say bye and it happened two more times.

"Now we can go" I told him so we walked and I just followed him.

"where are we going?" I finally asked.

"To a cafe. I always go there when we play at this venue"He explained

"Oh that sounds great" I said so we walked for ten minutes talking about random stuff and when we got there we ordered our coffee and sat at the table near a window which was a bad idea because people kept coming into and asking to take pictures with him. Then the staff who didn't know who Pete was caught onto the fact that he was famous and brought over a huge tray of muffins, cakes, and croissants. Then from the outside there were guys taking pictures of us.

"We should go"Pete suggested

"Yeah Great idea" I agreed so we walked out and the workers saw us walking out and handed us bags with desert in them. Since we came walking we had to walk back to the tour buses.

Summer After High School (Brendon Urie/ Pete Wentz)Where stories live. Discover now