chapter 2

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weeks passed and she got closer and closer to the end of the path...she wanted to see the end of it because it looked pretty. she walked a little further when something stopped her, she had a feeling saying not to go closer when she saw some darkness, she walked a little further and didnt care about the feeling, she just ignored it. she finnally got to the end without knowing the danger, all there was , was a black cat staring at her and a doll with scares and fake blood on. she suddenly fell in love with the doll, she picked it up and hugged it, she loved it! she toke it home to show her dad but her dad didnt listen , he was to busy making calls. she ran to her bedroom and cleaned the doll up. she left it on her sofa for the night. she got ready for bed and went to sleep, when her dad was asleep something awoken her.  she felt warm hands on her feet, the doll wasnt where she put it...she didnt care one single bit so she went to sleep...

the next morning she woke up on the floor with the doll in her bed. she laughed. she got up and grabbed the doll. she walked downstairs when suddenly her hair shot up. her dad wasnt there, well he must of gone to work, amander went to get some krave when suddenly the doll moved its eyes. she dropped her bowl and it smashed into tiny little peices. she got scared, the doll fell onto the floor and she kicked it, the doll got mad so it grabbed her and pulled her away....she screamed in horror but no one was there to help her, she threw the doll into the bin before it could grab the knife. she put loads of things onto the bin so she was sure it couldnt get out, she went back down to the path way and found a note saying: DO NOT TOUCH THE DOLL! IT KILLED MY BROTHER!  she was shocked ,she ran back home to collect the doll but it was gone, she ran to her room, but it wasnt there, she cried. her dad got back but he totally ignored her...night came and she went to sleep. it was midnight when this all started, strange sounds coming from the bassment, the sound of taps driping. she got up and walked to the bassment when suddenly she got pulled down there, there was blood all over her legs straight away. she screamed hoping her dad would hear but he didnt, she was locked in the bassment! the doll appeared at the end of the room.  she lifted her head up and looked at the doll, it started moving towards her but she kicked it away. it quietly said "mama mama mama" she screamed, blood started dripping down the walls and the doll was still saying "mama mama"

the next morning she found her self in her bed , no trace of blood and the doll was sat at the end of her bed. she was sure it wasnt a dream, she found a bloody clothe next to her like the doll had cleaned her up and put her back to bed so her dad wouldnt see. the doll suddenly faded away,  she laughed again but something was making her laugh. she got up and went to the loo, she found herself stuck in the toilet. she screamed. but then she fell off. she ran downstairs and had some breakfast, her skin fekt really tight as well...she cried but her dad wasnt there. she had to go shopping for her dad so she did but the doll followed her. she didnt relise until she turnt around. she was very scared...after shopping she headed home. she was really happy for some reason, she kept singing lalalalalalalalalaalaa. the doll suddenly went kekekekekekkeke and cruled off like a real baby. she ran after the doll and grabbed it. she got a big knife and stabbed it and real blood came out. its like this doll was a real person, she didnt care tho, she just wanted it out her life for good! weeks passed and the doll contuined to follow would never leave her alone! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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