Chapter 12

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"The crown prince wants you in his court," the figure said.

"What now?" the twins asked.

"No questions! It is a command by Prince Allen!" he shouted.

"What? I'm confused," Celina said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Who are you?" the figure asked.

"ME?! I should as-!" Celina's voice got cut off.

"Forgive her Max. She's new," Mira said to cover up Celina.

"I will forgive that for now," Max said.

"Anyway Max, what is it now?" Red asked.

"His highness will explain. Right now you have to come with me."

"Fine, we'll come. Give us a minute," Avo said. Max nodded in understanding and left to wait outside.

"Can you tell me what's going on now?" Celina asked when the door closed.

"Since, we're demons-" Red started.

"Half-breeds," Mira butted in.

"Shut up."


"As I was saying. Since we are not human, we are ruled by our demon lord, Prince Allen."

"But, he's a prince. A lord should be a king or emperor," Celina responded.

"Yeaaaaa, demon history. You wouldn't know," Red replies.

"Demon history, huh? Must be complicated. Good thing I don't have to study that then."

"I won't be so sure, Celina," the bloody twins said.

"What do you mean?"

"You see," Thorn said.

"My dear Celina," continued Rozen.

"You have to study our history. Since you live with us now," they finished.

"Aw crap."

"I wouldn't worry," Mira said.

"NO time for that. We have to go now," Avo said while picking up Celina and walking into the portal.

"Wait a second!" the others just grinned and followed them into the portal. Celina stopped complaining once she saw the throne room of the Demon Lord.

"Wonderful isn't it? Always better than those pathetic human's throne rooms combined," said Red.

The throne room was so large with a huge chair in the front of the room, color-changing lights, and different types of weapons lined on the wall with books.

"You have finally come, you commoners!" shouted a voice from the throne.

~~~~~~~Celina's PoV~~~~~~

N-no way?! Isn't that Prince Keith? What the hell is he doing here?

"Your highness, must you be in that form?" asked Red.

"Not to mention that you went to the human world searching for a bride for Second Prince Keith again," Mira said with a smirk. Huh? So is Keith actually Prince Allen, the demon lord... or Ah! This is so confusing more than necessary.

"This is so confusing!" I ended up shouting.

"Princess Celina?" Prince Allen/ Keith asked, surprised to see me.

"Oh, hey... um... who are you?"

"You may call me Allen."

"So the Prince Keith I met was actually you, Prince Allen, who is not Prince Keith." Allen chuckled and said, "To make things more simple: I, Prince Allen, came to see you as my younger brother, Second Prince Keith."


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