How you and Fred become a couple

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How you and Fred become a couple:

George waited for you with Fred and Lee in the Gryffindor common room. When you came down he bowed comically and offered you his arm. You accepted it giggling. Fred and George were both dressed in matching smart, black dress robes. As you turned to look at Fred you realised he was staring at you with a somewhat wistful expression. You smiled awkwardly at him and he mustered up a grin back. As you entered the Great Hall, you had to stop for a moment to catch your breath. The decor was exquisite and you mentioned this to George.

"Not as exquisite as you." You both laughed at the cheesy compliment.

The champions began the Ball by dancing with their dates. You tried not to die of jealousy as you watched Cedric with his arms wrapped tightly around Cho. The temptation to hex them both on the spot was great but you managed to control yourself until George invited you up to dance with him. It was awkward at first because you couldn't really work out a dancing technique, but eventually you just grabbed his hands and let him spin you around like you were children again. Fred, Angelina, Lee and Ruby were dancing either side of you and George, you noticed Fred didn't seem to be having nearly as much fun as the rest of you. After a few songs you were all out of breath and very thirsty so the boys went to go get drinks for you and the girls whilst you found a seat at a frosted silver table. Ruby immediately began a long monologue of her new-found feelings for Lee but your attention was focused elsewhere: on the twins; who seemed to be having a heated argument which Lee was trying desperately to break up. George was holding his hands up in front of him, clearly on the defensive, and looked as though he was apologising for something. You were just about ready to go over there and break it up yourself when Fred turned around and made a bee-line for you. George and Lee followed behind cautiously.

"Come on I need to talk to you." Said Fred, grabbing your arm.

You looked back, bewildered, at Ruby and Angelina, who were now being asked to dance by Lee and George. Fred pulled you into a back corner and didn't stop until you were out of earshot and the eyesight of everyone else in the room.

"What is it Fred? I saw you arguing with George. Is something wrong?" You asked, looking deep into his troubled brown eyes.

"No. Nothing's wrong. I- I don't know how to say this..." Fred at a loss for words? Something weird was definitely happening. You pulled his hand into yours and squeezed it tightly.

"Of course you do. What ever it is you can tell me Fred."

He sighed deeply.

"The thing is... you're the only one I can't tell, yet the one I want to tell the most." You blinked at him unsure of what he meant.

He took a deep breath, as though to steady himself, and then began to speak. "Do you remember four years ago? When you found that mirror?" He asked slowly.

The memory came back to you, the mirror that showed your hearts desire, Fred's confused expression, how he refused to tell you what he'd seen.

"Yeah..." You say carefully.

"Rosa, I saw you."

After the Ball you and Fred became boyfriend and girlfriend and you were no longer jealous of Cho and Cedric's relationship because you had found something so much better.

Your Hogwarts LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora