Samantha's P.O.V.

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Samantha's P.O.V.

"Kill her!!"my wolf cried as we launched at the girl kissing Dan. I had no control over my body, Abby was in control now, and this girl might get seriously hurt.

"Don't kill her Janey!" Dan yelled as we leaped on top of her.

"Abby don't kill her, Dan says not to," I tell my wolf. So instead of killing her we whispered a death threat into her ear and she ran away crying.

"That bitch better not ever touch my mate again," we both growled to each other, then I looked at Dan, he looked terrified.

"Damn it Abby, we scared him, we have to remember he's only human," I whimpered to her, the look Dan was giving me broke my heart.

"Damn Sam," Jack said as he and Finn walked up, "You fucked her up, I don't normally cuss but there's no other way to describe it."

"Yeah Sammy why so possessive?" Finn chimed in.

"I'll tell you guys later, let me link-Mark you guys so we can keep in touch," I mind-link to the twins.

"You don't screw with my friends," I said out loud.

"Sam, you and Dan are sharing a room," Finn mind-linked to me.

"I can't decide if that's good or bad?" I replied.

"Well you guys are getting along great and if you share a room with him we won't have to be on guard for him 24/7" Jack butted in.

"True," I replied, "and with him and I can sleep in the safest way."

"And what's that?" Finn asked.

"I sleep as wolf normally," I linked back, "it's safer."

"he has never seen anyone other than us and Phil in wolf so this should b interesting, once we get you in your room you have to wolf up so we don't kill you when we are out guarding."Jack said.

"Al-" I started to reply only to be interrupted by Dan.

"I know you guys are linking back and forth," Dan said, "and I don't like feeling as if you guys are keeping something from me,what we're you talking about?"

"we were trying to tell her who her roommate is," Finn says.

"and who is it?" Dan asked impatiently.

"it's you DannyBoy," I told him.

"DannyBoy?" all three of the boys said looking down to me, I hated being so short.

"He gave me a nickname so I'm giving him one," I said cheerfully.

"Wait, you're my roommate?" Dan asked.

"Yep," I said smiling.

"Well let's go get you settled in," Finn said picking up a few bags. The rest of the guys followed his lead and then Dan lead the way to our room.

"Already living together and you haven't even told each other you're mates," my wolf said," I'm proud Sam."

"Shut up," I muttered out loud.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Sorry, just muttering at my wolf, she thinks she's a comedian," I groaned as we walked up the last flight of stairs.

"Alright, welcome to our humble abode," Dan said to me opening the door.

I walked in and dropped the bags in a corner then flopped onto a bed that I assumed was Dan's because it smelled heavenly.

"If you're finished having an orgasm over his scent I would like to see your wolf now," Finn mind-linked to me and I looked at him, he had a stupid smirk on his face.

My Human Boy (A DanIsNotOnFire-Dan Howell fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now