The Metamorphosis

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Dean couldn't think about anything else. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Castiel. Castiel, the man with the beautiful blue eyes. The beautiful, blue, captivating eyes. Over his 21 years of existence, Dean had seen plenty beautiful people, but none of them were like Castiel. None of them were as utterly astounding as Castiel. The striking eyes combined with the chiseled jaw and flawless smile was an image Dean couldn't forget. Dean thought about their interaction and nothing else. It was so brief yet Dean was still totally and completely hung up on the moment. He winked at me, Dean thought to himself. Fixated on the idea of the moment, Dean had difficulty focusing on anything the rest of the night.

Dean walked home from the speakeasy and collapsed into his bed. It had been a long, exhausting, thrilling, puzzling day. Dean hoped he could merely sleep it all off and wake up the next day being free of these feelings.

"Goodbye, Dean." Wink. The moment flashed before Dean's eyes in a dream. Dean woke up immediately, startled and confused. He was breathing heavily and there was sweat on his forehead. Dean picked up his watch from the nightstand and looked at the time. It had only been two hours since he had gotten into bed. Dean had lasted two hours without thinking about Castiel. Two hours. Two measly hours. Dean let out an exasperated sigh. It was impossible to get the image of Castiel out of his head. All Dean could do was dwell on the moment. Every time Dean imagined it happening, his lips spread into a little smile. He couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of Castiel's smile, his eyes, his entire being. Dean surrendered to his feelings and let them overwhelm his thoughts.

Dean stretched his arms wide and yawned. It was morning. The light from the window blinded Dean as he got up from the bed. He meandered around the room, thinking about the night before. Dean was still completely captivated by Castiel. There was nothing that could get Dean's mind off of that man. By now, Dean didn't even care; he knew he had some kind of feelings for Castiel that weren't going away. Dean wandered into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. The cold water washed away all the dirt and grime from the previous day and Dean felt renewed. He lingered in the bathroom for a moment before walking back to the bed.

Provided that Vaughn didn't have a job for him today, Dean had absolutely nothing to do until 7:00 when he would go back to the bookstore, hoping to see Castiel again. Dean waited impatiently by the phone for a few hours. Vaughn usually called by 10:00. It was already 11:15. There had been no call yet and Dean wasn't expecting one. Vaughn was always on time, so Dean was almost positive that he had the day off.

Sure enough, no call came in for Dean from Vaughn. There was nothing Dean had to do until 7:00. Great, Dean thought to himself, now I have to just wait around for eight more hours. Dean lay back down on his bed and drifted back to sleep.

Several hours later, Dean woke up abruptly. He looked at his watch; it read 6:25.

"Shit." mumbled Dean as he jumped out of bed. He rapidly perused the room for a clean suit. Dean found the best looking one and dusted it off. After throwing on the suit and a pair of shoes, Dean rushed out the door. For some reason, he felt it necessary to be on time for Castiel. He didn't even know if Castiel would be there, but if he was, Dean didn't want to be late. He walked quickly down the street until he reached the bookstore. Before entering, Dean peered into the window and ran his hands through his hair to make sure it looked all right. Dean convinced himself it looked fine, regained his composure, and walked in. On the way down to the speakeasy Dean's nervousness increased. His stomach was churning a little and Dean felt butterflies everywhere. Dean stepped down the stairs and walked though the door into the dimly lit room. There he was, sitting at the end of the bar just like the night before. Castiel was reading the same book as before with the same look of concentration and intensity. When Dean saw Castiel sitting there, he immediately felt a wave of joy overcome him. His nerves calmed and time seemed to stop. Dean approached Castiel and sat down on the stool next to him. Castiel put his book on the table and turned to Dean.

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