Chapter 4: Surprises

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"I told them you were my girlfriend."



"You did WHAT?!" I exclaimed. It must have been a real scene; my already too big eyes nearly popping out, and my mouth dropping open. When he said that, I couldn't help but think; 'Did he like me?' Or else, there was no other reason why he would do that… Just then, his voice broke my thoughts.

"Sorry.. I just couldn't stand how they were teasing you-" 

"But, why?" interrupting him, I asked. After a moment, I realized how he was in the middle of explaining it when I had paused him.

"What I meant was- why would you do this? I was pretty sure you were one of them since the day I first met you…" 

"I told you, I was bullied when I was younger… I know what you're going through." 

Of course. Why in God's name, did I ever think that? Shaking my head, I cleared my head from those thoughts.

"Oh… Thanks…." I let awkward silence fill the atmosphere. "Well then, I better get going." Staring at the ground, I avoided his eye contact. As I made my way past him, I felt his grab on my wrist.

He was strong, and his grab actually pained me a little bit, though I was sure that he was doing his best to grip lightly. I looked at him questioningly. 

"You owe me." he said, replying with a sheepish grin. I laughed.

"And what is it that you want?" I asked.

"Um… lunch or dinner?" When he said this, it confused me once again. Wasn't a dinner, a date? Masking my face, I answered,

"Cool, then it's settled. Meet me at the Grill on Saturday? 6?"


Then we went our own ways.


'What was I thinking?' I said to myself. Why did I just make plans with her on Saturday? I was never good in these situations, and I could never fix the plans that others made. It somehow made me feel sorry. 

I walked into Spanish class, and sat down.

"Mr. Fallon, you are late." I handed the teacher her late pass that I got from the office. She took one look at the blue slip and approvingly continued on. 

"We are going to have a project today. I'll pair you up in partners, and…." she continued on forever, repeating what was already mentioned on the project guideline direction sheet. 

"Chase Fallon, Kara Adams."

Someone whistled. Others clapped and cheered. Some even chanted "ASK HER OUT. ASK HER OUT." I sighed. We did look like the perfect couple with her ridiculously gorgeous blue eyes matching my golden ones, and her slim but voluminous body contrasting to my big, muscly one. I must add; her sleek auburn hair, catching more attention than my dark brown hair. 

When people finished cheering, Kara came up to me.

"Just so you know, I hate projects. But don't worry… I'm good at it." she said, and I was surprised someone was even more self-centered than I was… in public.

"Yeah… I-I know." I managed to reply without rising a brow.

"I can't meet up after school today; I've got this stupid appointment that my dad set me up on." she rolled her eyes as I faintly smiled in relief. 

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