Chapter One: Crash and Burn

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Chapter One: Crash and Burn

Underground organizations can be some of the most brutal places to grow up in. Not knowing where you came from or know who you really are. Many underground organizations who take others from their families usually stalk or research those who their going to take, and the D.M.S.C is no exception. They would research and stalk children with special "gifts".

For years, children would disappear or those with no families would be taken suddenly with no signs of them anywhere. Families are heart broken and would go years with signs of the children that were taken from them. Three young children made a strong bond with each other to survive their ordeal.

"The three of us will get out of here someday. Maybe not today, or tomorrow or even the day after that, but I know we'll make it out of here." An older boy tried to comfort the two girls who shared a room with him.

"Brother, do you really think we'll get out of here?" The smallest one of the two girls looked up at her brother with big green eyes.

"Of course, sister, now rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

For years the three stayed close, keeping each other safe until the day that will allow two of the three to escape. The night was dark and rainy, although dangerous, it was the perfect time to attempt an escape. For months the eldest, a boy named Marcus made plans to get them out of their living nightmare.

The day of testing was done, and the three made their way back to their "room". Turning a corner, Marcus led the two girls to one of the two escape holes that he had been working on. He help one of the girls climb up into one of the holes that was dug into the wall. A young teenage girl with long, white hair, pale skin and had piercing blue eyes.

"Kisana, take this tunnel all the way through until you reach the other side. Once you've reached the other side run, run and don't look back. We'll find each other once we're all on the other side."

Kisana nodded her head and disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel. From behind her she could hear security yelling after Marcus and Mana, but she didn't stop. She did what Marcus had told her to do. She hurried through the man made tunnel to the other side. When she made it to the other side of the tunnel Kisana found herself caught in a heavy downpour rain. She had to get away as fast as she could.

At the same time as Kisana's escape Seto Kaiba was on his way back from the office after a long day of planning his upcoming tournament. Rain was falling from the skies like a waterfall. Domino City was unusually busy as cars were zooming in different directions. Knowing with the traffic he was going to be late getting home Kaiba calls his little brother Mokuba. Kaiba pulled out his cell phone and dialed Mokuba's number.

"Mokuba, it looks like I'm going to be late getting back...I need you to check the KaibaCorp email...There should be a message in the inbox...Alright...See you when I get back." Kaiba closed his cell phone and sat in Domino City traffic.

While Kaiba was stuck in traffic a Kisana found herself being chased by a small group of men. Her long white hair looked like a wet mop from the heavy rain fall and she was dressed in rags.

"Kisara! Get back here or we'll all be in big trouble!" One of the men yells to her.

Kisara continued to run from alleyway to alleyway, trying to lose them in the heavy ran and the dark shadows of the city. When she turned a corner to see the lights of the city traffic Kisara's heart jumped for joy. Thinking she would be safe if she was in a public area. Quickening her pace, she found herself in the streets not paying attention to the traffic she became a deer in the headlights. The last thing she heard was the yelling of her name and the screeching of car tiers.

Kaiba's limo came to a screeching halt, stopping the oncoming and the traffic behind him. Kisara laid in the middle of the road. Kaiba's driver quickly rushed to Kisara's body lying in the middle of the road with a pool of blood slowly growing.

"Mr. Kaiba, sir! She came out of nowhere! Should we take her to the hospital?"

Kaiba emerged from the limo. The rain stared to soak his dark brown hair and his blue eyes became shocked when he saw the injured girl. The feeling that he knew who she was with just one look.

"Mr. Kaiba, sir?"

"We'll take her back to my place and call a doctor from there. I don't want the media to catch wind of this. Hurry and carefully...never mind, I'll do it."

Kaiba took off his long, gray, sleeveless KaibaCorp jacket and carefully wrapped it around Kisara's rain stained body and carried her to the limo.

From the shadows of the alleyway, the group of men who were chasing after Kisara watched as she was carried off by Seto Kaiba.

"What do we do now?! The boss is going to kill us for not bring Kisara back with us."

"We'll just have to explain what happen. If we try retrieving her now. Kaiba will just start asking questions about why we need her back."

The men quickly made their way back to the organization that they belonged to, to face the wrath of their boss and prepare for their punishment.

Getting back to his home, Kaiba quickly took the girl inside and put her in one of the guest rooms. Calling a doctor, Mokuba came into the room.

"Seto, the doctor said he should be on his way!"

"Good, did you check the KiabaCorp email like I asked you."

"Yes, the message is waiting for you to check on the computer. Anyway Seto, who is this girl?" Mokuba looked at Kisara with interest.

"I don't know, she ran out into the street and got hit by the limo."

"Really! For getting hit by the limo she got away with few injuries."

The doorbell rang, making Mokuba rush down to the front door to let in the doctor. Kaiba stayed with Kisara in the heat room, waiting for the doctor.

"Just who are you?" Kaiba mumbled under his breath.

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