Chapter 3: Stone Pillar Place

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Monse: Ok. Stay close to me. *Closes eyes and chants a teleporting spell then dark purple swirl form around her and Aph, then disappear and Monse opens her eyes to see there in the middle of the forest in a clearing by a lake and she sees a Stone Pillar Circle with a hole in the middle surrounded by pictures of elements * Were here Aph.

Aph: *opens eyes and looks around* Wow...  *faces Monse* What is this place?

Monse: This is the Sorceress element circle, you find your element and then you have it. *Walks up to the circle of pictures of the elements and in the middle is a picture of her surrounded by the elements.* And that's me *Points to the picture*

Aph: *looks at the picture* That's REALLY you?

Monse: Ya... So, what element do you want? There's FIRE, ICE, WIND, and WATER?

Aph: *Thinks to self: Well Fire is not that useful if you think about it, ice same as fire basically but not really, wind hmm I do LOVE the wind but it could be hard to control. Water, its almost always still, easy to control I think..* Water. I choose water.

Monse: *grins* Great! That's really a good choice. *reaches into her pocket to find coins with the elements on them and throws the water one to Aph* Here! *Points to the hole* Throw the coin in the hole!

Aph: *Catches the coin* Ok? *Drops coin in the hole and then a loud roar came down from the hole and a HUGE wave of water came racing towards Aph and surrounded her in a bubble of water* MONSE!?!

Monse: *laughs and yells so Aph can hear through the water* THE WATER IS YOUR ELEMENT, IT'S CHANGING YOUR APPERENCE!

Aph: *Yells back* UMM OK? AHH *a light blue glow forms around Aph in the bubble and changes her clothes to a beautiful light blue no sleeves dress that's touching the floor with a red rose and a water symbol in her hair, hair is still down and with fabulous light blue high heels then the light blue glow and the bubble disappears* Whaa?

Monse: You look really pretty Aph!

Aph: What? *Looks down at self* WAIT WHAT!?!?

Monse: *laughs* You have water magick's now Aph!

Aph: *calms down* Oh.. *laughs*

Monse: *Laughs and reaching into her other pocket and takes out a coin with all the elements surrounding her* Now its my turn! Your not having all the fun Aph! *Drops coin in the hole and the same roar came from it, but this time there was WIND,FIRE,WATER,ICE, and dark purple sparkles surrounding the elements raced toward Monse, all the elements surrounded her in a bubble too and started to change her appearance. A black dress little above the knees appeared along with a dark purple cape with a hood with silver linings, Black high heels , and her hair was curled and a little above the waist*

Aph: *Stares at the Huge bubble surrounding Monse* Wow..

Monse: *Then the bubble disappeared back into the hole just as the water for Aph did* There. *Twirls for Aph* Isnt it awesome!

Aph: YAS! So what elements do you have?

Monse: I have them all basically, I'm the Leader I guess. Oh! Be careful around here! The forest is a half bad and half good forest.

Aph???: *Is acting different and has a lower voice then before and her eyes seemed clouded, and twirls her hair* Ummm so you said that you have ALL the elements? Oh, and will do!

Monse: *looks at Aphmeow weirdly and thinks to self: Uhh why the heck does Aph sound and is acting weirdly. PLUS her eyes are clouded... whats going on..* Uhhh Yeah. I have all the elements, why?

Aph???: *Still acting weird and stops messing with her hair* That's awesome! *Softly laughs weirdly to herself* Oh! I don't know... just umm I just wanted to know.. ya. 

Aph: *Goes back to normal* So, how do these elements work?

Monse: ....... *Thinks to self: Uhh that was weird, Is Aph hiding something BIG from me? If not, then what's going on with her?*

* Longer chapter cuz I got bored. I might so another one later today.? But ehh we will see! Byez! I  hope enjoyed this chapter! Lolz*

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