Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter will be alternating in P.O.V. 



I just nodded a goodbye to my brother as he and the others made ready to go on the run into town. Dixon's have never been much for public affection, or any affection at all, really when I think about it. The real opposite from the blond sisters – Amy hung around Andrea's throat, like she would never let go, nearly crying. All the while Andrea constantly reassured her that she would be fine, and the Amy should be careful and stay in camp until she got back. Jesus!

I saw Hannah raising a brow at them, but not commenting from where she stood, talking with Glenn in a low voice. I couldn't hear what they said, but I guessed she told him something likely – to be careful on the run. Then she gave him a quick hug before waving at T-Dog and Jacquie. The whole group then packed themselves into the car and left. Me and Hannah just stood and watched it until it had disappeared before we turned around and went back.

"You going out?" Hannah asked and nodded to the woods.

"Yeah. Saw some tracks yesterday that looked like another deer. If it is then we are some lucky bitches. May be out a while, though. The trail was kind of old."

"Alright" Hannah said. "Be careful and come back."

I snorted. "I always do, sunshine."

"Yeah, but it never hurt with some extra reassurance, right?"

"Guess not." She gave me a warm smile before she turned her steps and went down to the lake, where some of the other women already were doing today's laundry, leaving me to walk alone into the woods. While I did I thought about the month that had gone. It had been pretty quiet after Hannah's acquaintance with the walker. I had tried to keep my distance from her, but when living like this it was pretty hard. And even harder when I realized that I didn't want to stay away from her. I had never had any trouble with brushing off chicks before, but Hannah was different. The few times we had actually been alone together, she had never done any of those things that drove me mad. She had not asked me about my past or my parents. She had not asked why I just followed my brother like some other loser. She was not mute either in any way, but when she asked me something she actually seemed interested into know about me! She wondered what was my favorite color, and why. She liked to know if I listened to music before the world went to shit, and what kind. She told me that she always felt stupid when her friends discussed new movies, because she was more into the ones made in the 70-s and the 80-s, and then she asked me if I liked that kind of movies as well. No prying into my business or attempts to make me do things. Just regular interest.

I had never been much of a talker, but that didn't mean I just liked plain silence either. Hannah seemed to notice that, too. If I was silent she was happy with either sit in silence with me or just talking herself. One night she had climbed on top of the RV when I had watch and kept me company. She said that she sometimes had problems with freaky nightmares when it was "that time of the month" (which made me want to hide in a hole somewhere), and that Glenn had woken her up when she had yelled and kicked him for the seventh time, telling her to go somewhere else and give him some peace. That made me chuckle and I nearly felt sorry for Chinaman.

Hannah had started talking about a book she read before she left Sweden to visit Glenn, about the case Jack the Ripper. She rambled on about the victims, the leads and how wrong the movie From Hell was. I was surprised by how much she knew about that old affair, even if I didn't really saw the meaning with solving a 122-year old murder case. Whoever the Ripper might had been, he was dead now.

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