About This Book

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This -If you could not tell by the name of the story- is the book where I put up my Collages, and if you read the description, also where I post the inspiration, how long have I liked this OTP/Book/Movie/Actor/Actress/Politician/Person/Author, of why i made the Collage.  Or pretty much anything else lol.

Mainly this story will contain Collages of:

Percy Jackson

Harry Potter

Heroes of Olympus

Kane Chronicles



There will also be some of:

Hunger games




Maze Runner

Lab rats (maybe)

Super natural

And pretty much anything I know that you guys post in the comments

One last thing,

(I suck at this) 

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell kinda I mean you are starting this along with me as I go along the long path to Collages.

'Cause guess what by the time of my writing this, (4/2/16) I have only made One collage EVER on my computer.


get ready to see my Collages.   

Collages That I Have Made Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora