Alice Cullen's Life

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🔸Ok, so this story is basically what I think Alice's (from Twilight) life would be like. Hope you enjoy it! x 🔸

"Jasper!" I whine, "what if they hate us! What if they won't take us in!".

"If that was to happen then why do you see us with them, why did you see them at all?".

Jasper has a point. We're currently running through the forest that outlines the dreary town of Forks. It's night time now, but being vampires it makes no difference. It's here that a rather large coven of vampires live, or at least we hope they live here. ItThey, are the Cullens, and I've seen them here. Not with my eyes, but with my thoughts. I have a rather unusual vampire talent. I see things, I see the future. I saw my mate Jasper and I saw the Cullens. We are still experimenting with my unusual visions but if this one if correct, then a coven of five vampires live in the outskirts of Forks.

Jasper slows down and I realize that while I've been thinking we have reached a intersection in the track we had been following.

"Which way now Alice?" Jasper asks softly. He's good at hiding his emotions but I can see he is tense as well. Neither of us are exactly confident about meeting them. I think for a moment and suddenly I see them again, all five. They go left. "Left". We pick up speed again and soon the presence of other vampires becomes clear and they're defiantly our vampires. The Cullens don't feed on humans, which I'm guessing is why we just passed a few empty deer bodies with fang marks in their necks. Of course Jasper and I have been practising this as well, but it's not easy to ignore the constant hunger for human blood, animals will never satisfy that thirst. "I can feel their emotions", whispers Jaz, "they know we're here". We soon reach a, well mansion. It's absolutely beautiful. By the look of it, three stories with a glass wall covering the south side of the house. And standing on the front porch, five very alarmed vampires.

🔸I know it's short but the other chapters will be longer, please give feedback!~ Heather🔸

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